Some Insane Friends Storylines Would Have Been Way Creepier Without the Laugh Track

At the end of the day, it's laughter that keeps us sane.
If there's one show that strikes the perfect balance between drama and comedy, it's probably Friends. The most popular sitcom of all time really has everything to offer.
Even though the first season aired almost 30 years ago, many of the storylines are still relatable. And some of them have truly become part of the culture and have found their way into the everyday lives of many fans.
For example, all you have to do is say "I'm fine!" in a squeaky voice, when you are not quite fine, and the person you say it to will immediately think of Ross freaking out when he found out about Rachel and Joey (of course if they are a diehard fan of Friends like yourself).
But there are some storylines that you just want to forget, that's how cringe-worthy they really are. The best example, we think, is the one with Chandler's new roommate Eddie.
The guy was a creep! And if it weren't for the laugh track, we could only wish Chandler luck in dealing with him. Imagine being trapped in an apartment with a crazy person who refuses to move out and thinks that cracker fish is real.
But there was also a time when Chandler was almost a villain. Actually, it was him and Joey together (which makes sense). The storyline where they have lost Ross’ child Ben on the bus is actually terrifying if you imagine that happened in real life. And we actually think that the way Ross handled the situation was actually kind of an underreaction.
Another storyline that gave fans the creeps was when Joey had this stalker woman who thought he was the real Dr. Drake Ramoray. Although Brooke Shields did an amazing job portraying the insanely beautiful crazy woman, it was a very disturbing episode.
While we understand that it's a sitcom and all the stories are supposed to be exaggerated, if these situations were to happen in real life, it would put the people involved in real danger. So let's just hope that some of the stories from Friends will forever remain unrelatable. And good thing this show decided to use the laugh track after all!