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Star Trek's Ridiculous Criticism Receives Its Well-Deserved Moment in the Spotlight Thanks to Reddit

Star Trek's Ridiculous Criticism Receives Its Well-Deserved Moment in the Spotlight Thanks to Reddit
Image credit: Legion-Media

Star Trek is a massively popular franchise, with Trekkies loving the TV shows, movies, memorabilia and conventions that have become synonymous with it over the years. But naturally, not everyone is a fan.

And thanks to Reddit thread, we can see just why some people don't really like the show. Although some of the reasons given are a bit…well, ridiculous.

Right, let's dive in and find out some of the most ridiculous reasons that people felt it necessary to give for why they don't like Star Trek.

"I don't like the uniform" – Mate, there's a story going on. And let's face it, the uniforms were pretty standard, weren't they? Is there anything to not like about them?

"The Prime Directive is colonialist" – What? Surely, it's the exact opposite? And it's kind of necessary for the franchise to have this in place as it gives the crew a way of moving on. Without the directive, we'd just be watching a really boring version of Age of Empires!

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"Because I like Star Wars " – Nonsense! You can like both. Next…

"Starfleet is portrayed badly or "incorrectly" because some aspects of it are different from the US Navy" – Uh…the navy operates in the sea. And I'll let you into a secret – the Starship Enterprise is fictional!

Star Trek's Ridiculous Criticism Receives Its Well-Deserved Moment in the Spotlight Thanks to Reddit - image 1

"It's too unrealistic" – It's set in space and came out before the first man set foot on the moon! Of course, it's unrealistic! If you want realistic, watch the news!

"It began pandering" to the woke crowd" – Star Trek always had a touch of social politics about it. What's new? What we now call 'woke' was actually part of the show from the outset. So, really, the world has copied Star Trek in that respect.

"It's not political enough" – Give me strength!

"The canon doesn't make sense" – Really? And that's different from other franchises how? And are we really expecting modern-day writers to have read the entirety of Star Trek canon before they open their laptops?

"There were too many women in the new shows" – 1945 called, they want their opinion back.

"The crew should have mental problems and issues from their traumatic experiences" -There's a place for that show, but it doesn't have to in Star Trek. It's a bit of sci-fi!

"Every problem the crew encounters is solved in 45 minutes with no consequences" – Because it's a TV show. I mean, is that even a criticism or just an observation?

So, there you have it. 11 utterly ridiculous criticisms of Star Trek. And there are plenty more out there if you want to look for them.