Steven Spielberg Is Ashamed Of His Most Acclaimed Movie With 11 Oscar Nods

Spielberg believes that another director would have made this movie much better than he did.
Spielberg's filmography includes more than 30 films. With the same skill, he can make a thriller about a killer shark as well as a touching story about a robot boy. Never one to stick to one genre, Spielberg is always willing to try his hand at an expensive, nostalgia-drenched blockbuster or a classic musical.
Although Steven Spielberg is best known as a blockbuster director, critics recognize one of his most outstanding movies as the drama The Color Purple, released in 1985.
The movie covers several decades from the life of the inhabitants of a small town in the state of Georgia at the beginning of the 20th century. It begins idyllically: two black girls in dresses and hats are singing and dancing in a field of flowers bathed in the sun.
But after a few minutes, we learn that one of the girls, Celie, is 14 years old, pregnant by her father for the second time, and facing hardships that are frightening to think about.
Despite critical and public acclaim, an impressive 11 nominations for Oscars, Golden Globes and other awards, the director himself disagrees with the accolades and does not consider The Color Purple to be his best movie.
On the contrary, Spielberg admitted that the movie is on the list of his works that he would like to remake.
The thing is that the movie is based on the novel by Alice Walker, which tells about the life of black women in the South in the 1930s.
According to the director himself, his movie turned out to be too timid and shy, especially compared to the passionate original source. Spielberg thought a black director would have done a much better job of adapting it.
Steven Spielberg has become a cult figure and one of the highest paid directors in Hollywood, as well as a successful producer.
According to most film critics, Spielberg is a versatile director who can shoot science fiction, horror films and heartbreaking dramas – his Schindler's List received 7 Oscar statuettes and was included in the list of the 100 best films ever made in the US.