Teen Wolf: All the Seasons, Ranked by Rewatchability

Teen Wolf was one of those shows that started out great, became greater, but declined in quality for no reason. Why, though?
We have ranked all the Teen Wolf seasons, depending on how rewatchable they are.
9. Season 6B
It’s quite common for the show’s final season to be its worst, and Teen Wolf is no exception. The pacing is uncharacteristically slow in season 6B, and the main mystery of Anuk-Ite doesn’t live up to Beacon Hills’ standards. It is nice to see some familiar faces pop up again, though!
8. Season 5A
This season had so much potential, but the fact that the pack falls into Theo’s trap despite all their instincts going haywire has screwed everything up. The Dread Doctors are pretty dreadful, and yet the story has too many loose ends.
7. Season 5B
The only good thing about this season is the fact that we get to see Crystal Reed again. That’s it. Everything else about the mysterious Beast feels forced and unnecessary, as if Teen Wolf is trying to bring its Void Stiles days back.
6. Season 4
Jill Wagner’s Kate Argent is a worthy villain, but the whole Benefactor story arc is confusing at best. After the success of season 3, this season is just okay. At least Ian Bohen’s Peter Hale has remained true to his bad guy self.
5. Season 6A
OK, season 6A is actually pretty good, considering that Dylan O’Brien is barely there. The whole arc about Stiles and all the Stydia moments have made this season more than rewatchable and very emotional.
4. Season 2
Drawing from the popularity of season 1, season 2 manages to introduce plenty of unexpected plot twists. Jackson’s Kanima and Gerard’s thirst for revenge are both great storylines.
3. Season 1
The season that has started it all and launched Teen Wolf into the masses. It’s sweet, it’s well-paced, and it sees the blossoming of Scott and Allison’s romance. Season 1 has stood the test of time.
2. Season 3A
From Deucalion’s Alpha pack and the Darach to Allison’s newfound independence and Lydia’s storyline, season 3A is peak Teen Wolf with many memorable moments, quotes, and events.
1. Season 3B
It’s a tough call between season 3A and season 3B, but Nogitsune has tipped the scales. This season is just top-notch because it has everything – humor, horror, romance, and shocking plot twists. A crowned jewel of Teen Wolf.