TV Matt Smith House of the Dragon Game of Thrones

The Internet's New Boyfriend Showed His True Colors in HotD Finale

The Internet's New Boyfriend Showed His True Colors in HotD Finale
Image credit: HBO Max

Daemon Targaryen aka "Daddy Daemon" is certainly one of House of the Dragon's most popular characters among the fandom right now.

Strong writing and an excellent performance from Matt Smith have made him sympathetic, even likable, despite a number of dark deeds, including multiple murders for political gain and his incestuous relationship with his much-younger niece, Rhaenyra.

The latter is commonly excused as being normal for the Targaryen dynasty – which, to be fair, it is, King Viserys raged at Daemon only because he perceived Daemon's alleged seduction of Rhaenyra as a power play, she was the designated heir of the throne, after all – and other acts of evil were hand-waved away for a long time. Particularly by those who unironically considered Daemon and Rhaenyra the best pair on the show.

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But the finale of Season 1 demonstrates that a dream boyfriend, who is violent and ruthless towards everyone but his bellowed is just that, a dream.

Certainly, at first Daemon acts as the only sensible person on Rhaenyra's side, He is correct in the assessment that a war is inevitable. He is correct in the assessment that Rhaenyra's acting like she's a Queen, and at the same time even considering peace talks with people who have crowned a King of their own is inane.

And he is obviously correct in rejecting the opposing party's peace proposal out of hand, because that proposal amounted to giving up the legal ground which Rhaenyra's supporters had and providing hostages in exchange for allowing them to keep what they already de-facto held in their hands. In fact, Rhaenyra rejects the proposal too at first, before falling for a cheap emotional lure.

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Sure, Daemon expresses himself in a crude and confrontational fashion, but his general stance is essentially right, given the circumstances.

But then, as Daemon and Rhaenyra argue one on one, Daemon learns about prophecies which Viserys shared with Rhaenyra, when he made her the heir, and never shared with Daemon. The double blow of being unable to get from under the shadow of his older brother, even when Viserys is already in the grave, and learning that his brother never considered him a possible successor, makes Daemon snap.

He chokes Rhaenyra – who, it must be noticed, had a stillbirth just that morning – ranting about how his brother "was a slave to his omens and portents", before releasing her and walking away. As it appears, Viserys was right after all.

Daemon certainly has some feelings for Rhaenyra, just like he had enough feelings for his brother to never actually contemplate usurpation, but his raging passions and propensity for violence ensure that he is not a man you want to trust with your kingdom or your daughter.