TV Apple TV+

The Morning Show S3 Finally Fixed Its Biggest Problem In The Best Possible Way

The Morning Show S3 Finally Fixed Its Biggest Problem In The Best Possible Way
Image credit: Apple TV+

Acknowledging the problem is a big step forward.

The Morning Show season 3 has premiered recently, and even though there are only three episodes out, it already seems that the third chapter is the best of them all.

The first season had faced criticism about its overall narrative and some cast members and their stories in the show, but season 2 failed to fix the mistakes and got panned by critics even more.

One of The Morning Show's biggest problems was its handling of racial issues. But it seems like the writers are learning from their past mistakes and are finally trying to fix this major issue.

In fact, the recently released episode 3 called out its own race problem in a very intriguing way. The episode featured a storyline where the network discovers the leaked emails after a hacker attack, which revealed that there was indeed racial discrimination at the UBA.

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Well, needless to say, no one on this side of the screen was shocked, as viewers had been calling out the problem many times before. But it was good to see it finally addressed in a way that was finally better than anything else on the show.

Season 2 would have Alex and another white host discuss the problem of racism on the show without bothering to give the floor to an actual Black character. But episode 3 of the new season even acknowledged the importance of this by having Cybil be interviewed by none other than Christina on The Morning Show.

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In the result we got one of The Morning Show's most powerful scenes to date, made all the more important in light of their past missteps.

The rest of the episode was mostly about Mia, Stella, and Christina, the characters actually affected by the racism at UBA. It’s not like the show concentrated on them exclusively, but other characters and their storylines received way less attention.

So it seems that with these three new episodes, the show has already proven to be a better version of itself, compared to the previous two seasons. Let's hope that the trend continues.

The next episode of The Morning Show will air on Apple TV Plus on September 27.