The Most Underrated Part Of The Breaking Bad Universe That Deserves More Respect 

The Most Underrated Part Of The Breaking Bad Universe That Deserves More Respect 
Image credit: AMC

This movie is often and unfairly forgotten.

Breaking Bad is considered one of the best TV shows of our time, and its prequel, Better Call Saul, did not go unnoticed either. However, the movie El Camino (2019) never managed to win the same love from viewers and critics.

The plot of the film is a direct continuation of Breaking Bad. Jesse Pinkman manages to escape from the neo-Nazis where Walter White left him. Not knowing where to go, he hides from the police, his kidnappers, and his past. Now Jesse must figure out how to move on with his life.

El Camino is often criticized as an unnecessary addition to the main series, but Redditor sgwashere29 disagrees. The fan feels that the movie gave Jesse the payoff he needed. The finale of Breaking Bad left young Jesse a prisoner of the neo-Nazis, though Walter managed to outwit them. But the last episode, Felina (5x16), didn't answer many questions.

Perhaps the series' creators thought that the audience would understand that, without resistance, Jesse could escape and establish his life, but the Redditor thinks otherwise. Pinkman's position at the end of Breaking Bad is not easy, as he is facing the cops, he has no money left, and Ed Galbraith, who helped Heisenberg and Saul Goodman disappear, is no longer a rescue option.

The Most Underrated Part Of The Breaking Bad Universe That Deserves More Respect - image 1

Jesse has no friends left except Skinny Pete and Badger, who could hardly help one of the most wanted drug dealers in the US. Therefore, many viewers would think that Jesse would end up in jail one way or another, which is why El Camino was so necessary in the fan's opinion.

And while Pinkman is by no means a saint, the guy really deserves his freedom after everything that happened to him during Breaking Bad. The Redditor thinks that El Camino was inevitable to show the final transition of the ambivalent character and make him a kind and decent man.

Did you enjoy El Camino?

After all, Jesse has shown these qualities many times in the series. So settling down in Alaska is the perfect conclusion to the narrative, as Pinkman leaves his former life behind and gets a chance to start over. Despite the criticism, it was El Camino that gave Jesse's story a logical and well-deserved outcome.

Source: Reddit