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The Overlooked 95% Rated British Drama Is Perfect for David Tennant Fans

The Overlooked 95% Rated British Drama Is Perfect for David Tennant Fans
Image credit: Disney+

Doctor Who and Good Omens fans, are you still here?

One of the best feelings is when you tune into a show expecting nothing and it turns out to be another hidden gem you just discovered. Well, the latest gem I found was a British drama called Rivals. And while none of my friends have heard of it, it seems like it's only a matter of time.

Rivals already has a 95% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and that's no surprise. Frankly, the year was quite average in terms of good TV, but this one is definitely a standout.

Is Rivals Worth Watching?

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Created for Disney+, it's an adaptation of the 1988 novel of the same name by Jilly Cooper, directed by Elliot Hegarty. It has an amazing cast with Aidan Turner, Katherine Parkinson, Alex Hassell, Victoria Smurfit and what makes it even better — one of the greatest British actors David Tennant plays the part of a villain… kinda.

Set in the late 1980's, the series centers on a journalist named Declan and his attempts to become number one in his field. Approached by Tony, brilliantly played by David Tennant, he must make a decision to move to an independent commercial television station in order to achieve more. You don’t know at the moment, but their tandem is going to create the first round of rivalry in the series.

The scene is then joined by another main character named Rupert Campbell-Black. The man is a retired Olympic show jumper and notorious womanizer who now works as a Tory MP and Minister for Sport. He and Declan will start out as rivals as well, but eventually something pure like Declan’s daughter Agatha brought them together.

Rivals’ Controversial Romantic Storyline Works Surprisingly Well

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Speaking of her... she eventually becomes Rupert's love interest, and despite the significant age difference, viewers are not against their love story at all. On the contrary, they are now waiting for season 2 to see how the story will unfold.

“I really like that the show explores what it's like to love someone who's from a different generation than you. I give them kudos for exploring something that's not only unconventional, but also taboo,” Redditor master_rita said.

Rivals is available to stream on Hulu and Disney+.