The Real Reason Why NBC Canceled Its Best 2022 Sci-Fi Show After 2 Seasons

Fans are not buying it.
It’s always hard to say goodbye to things you loved with all your heart. Especially when it’s not you who originated the breakup, but a third person actually. That’s exactly what happens when a network cancels a show that was living its best life with a devoted audience.
One such story from the recent past is the cancellation of a 2022 show called Quantum Leap that aired on NBC. The show lasted for two seasons and then the network just decided to drop it, not giving the series a chance at season 3.
Now a few words about Quantum Leap. As it comes from the name, it’s the sequel series of an iconic show of the same name that premiered in 1989. The new show is set 30 years after Dr. Sam Beckett stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator and vanished.
Now the 2022 series follows a new team that must start a new project similar to the previous one, to finally make it clear what’s going on behind the machine and its creator and what new mysteries are there to uncover. And now it’s Dr. Ben Song’s time to be the leader of the team.
It seemed like the fans of the original show enjoyed the sequel as well, but NBC decided not to proceed with a third season of its Quantum Leap reboot. And of course it wasn’t something the creative team of the show was planning, so they didn’t write the end of the season as a finale, but still, some storylines had a proper ending.
The main reason for canceling the show was that the network said it wasn’t popular enough. But the fans blame NBC for that.
“Leave it to NBC to move it around three times in two seasons, give it a sh*tty time slot for the second half of season 2 and never advertise it, so even loyal fans had a hard time knowing when the next episode was, then look at each other, shrug and say, “Huh, guess no one’s watching anymore…” Redditor ModernCrust said.
Quantum Leap is available to stream onParamount+.