The Simpsons: 7 Treehouse of Horror Episodes to Binge-Watch This Halloween

Make your Halloween more fun with scary stories from Homer and his family.
Once a year, the writers of The Simpsons allow themselves to forget about logic and simply entertain the audience with horror stories for Halloween, which are called Treehouse of Horror. The characters can turn into witches and zombies, travel through time, meet aliens, or even become three-dimensional.
You can watch the Halloween episodes even if you're not too familiar with the main plot of The Simpsons. Each episode is simply a collection of three funny horror stories, often with references to classic movies or books.
1. Treehouse of Horror III
Homer is copying Alfred Hitchcock in the title sequence of this episode. And then we see a whole collection of references to old movies.
First, the clown puppet tries to kill the Simpson family, just like in the classic TV series The Twilight Zone, then Homer acts as King Kong in a black-and-white story, and finally Bart resurrects an entire army of zombies.
2. Treehouse of Horror IV
Homer wants the doughnut so badly that he is willing to sell his soul to the devil. And then he meets Ned, who turns out to be the Prince of Darkness himself. But it seems that even Hell doesn't have enough doughnuts to satisfy Homer.
Next up is a parody of Gremlins, and after that Bart is bitten by Mr. Burns and turns into a vampire bat.
3. Treehouse of Horror XIII
All stories are told by the spirit of the late Maude Flanders. In this episode you can see dozens of Homer clones, one of which will become Peter from Family Guy.
In addition, Springfield will try to give up guns, but will be attacked by dead criminals. H.G. Wells' classic The Island of Doctor Moreau is also parodied, and all the main characters are transformed into half-human, half-animal creatures.
4. Treehouse of Horror XVII
Mr. Burns returns as the narrator of the Tales from the Crypt series, introducing viewers to a collection of new humorous stories.
The cause of the first tragedy will once again be the Homer's gluttony, who ate an alien and is now eternally hungry. Bart will possess the Golem and, of course, use him for pranks. And the people of Springfield will refuse to believe in an alien invasion, and the invaders will decide to seize the moment to take over the Earth.
5. Treehouse of Horror XX
The plot of "crossover" murders, which provide an alibi for the killer, has been copied dozens of times. And The Simpson" could not stay away, at the same time recalling a number of Hitchcock movies.
Then the plot switches to a more modern topic in the style of the movie 28 Days Later, although here the infection starts with hamburgers made from cows eating cows. There will also be a parody of Sweeney Todd with Moe in the title role.