TV The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead’s Deadliest Lady: Carol's 4 Most Kickass Moments

The Walking Dead’s Deadliest Lady: Carol's 4 Most Kickass Moments
Image credit: AMC

How one woman managed to save the entire group several times.

There is hardly a single The Walking Dead fan who doesn’t love Carol. We are talking about a character who went from a fearful and submissive woman to one of the most formidable fighters on the show.

Here are some of Carol's most memorable moments that seriously sent chills down our spines.

Carol rescues the group from Terminus

If you think back to the first episode of season 5, No Sanctuary, you'll remember how Carol took the bull by the horns and redeemed herself big time. Sure, she messed up by taking out Karen and David before, but this time? She was on fire.

Carole caused an epic explosion from a volatile tank that allowed her to stroll right in and bust Rick and the crew out of their impending doom.

The way she annihilated the Terminus threat was pure cinematic brilliance that left viewers biting their nails, cementing her place as a fearless survivor. This, hands down, has to be one of Carol's most legendary scenes.

Carol kills Wolves

When The Wolves infiltrated Alexandria, catching the residents off guard, that was the moment when Carol's inner warrior truly awakened, her ferocious streak saving the day yet again.

Carol kills Paula

After Lori's untimely demise, we didn't really see much of Carol interacting with other women. This is why the episode titled The Same Boat stands out. It throws Carol and Maggie into a cat-and-mouse game with a group of equally formidable women.

Our favorite survivors got captured by Paula and her gang while trying to take out a group of Saviors. Throughout the episode, Carol taps into her cookie-baking, innocent-looking persona to try and deceive her captors.

The climactic showdown between Carol and her captors proved that you better not mess with this lady.

Carol and Sam

When Sam catches Carol red-handed stealing weapons, she presents him with a clear choice: rat her out and end up tied to a tree outside Alexandria, or keep her secret and be rewarded with cookies.

What makes this scene both hilarious and chilling is how it perfectly encapsulates everything Carol has been through and how much she's changed.