The White Lotus Actor Breaks Down on That Wild Monologue Scene in Season 3

The White Lotus Actor Breaks Down on That Wild Monologue Scene in Season 3
Image credit: HBO

The new season of Mike White’s hit show has so far offered many outstanding sequences, and Jason Isaacs’ full-front nude scene might not be the most shocking.

HBO’s feverish anthology series The White Lotus has only three more episodes left in its ongoing season 3, though it’s not the rising tension among the luxurious resort’s guests that has the show’s fans talking.

Created by Mike White, the series has always been considered quite bold when it comes to its exploration of rich people’s inner thoughts and intentions, and the new third season went on a completely new level, marking another crucial point in the investigation of its characters’ darkest secrets.

With episode 4 giving viewers a shocking nude scene featuring Jason Isaacs, last week’s episode titled Full-Moon Party also had a prominent guest star whose long speech made quite an impression even on one of the instalment’s leads.

Walton Goggins Reflects on Sam Rockwell’s Shocking Monologue in The White Lotus Season 3 Episode 5

With a recurring star-studded cast, the show’s new season also featured another prominent figure in the latest episode, introducing Sam Rockwell as Frank, a longtime friend of Walton Goggins’ Rick.

The White Lotus Actor Breaks Down on That Wild Monologue Scene in Season 3 - image 1

Soon after they meet in Bangkok, both are seen chatting in a bar, and it doesn’t take much time for Frank to go on a full honesty mode, unraveling all his inner thoughts about his sex addiction that came soon afterwards he became aware of his identity crisis.

Without delving much into the matter, Frank’s five-minute-long speech left both viewers and Rick in utter shock and with their jaws dropped.

Discussing the scene in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Goggins had nothing else but praise for Mike White’s creative writing and its impact on the show’s strong social message.

“I read it when I first read all the scripts two or three months before we started filming, and I was so blown away by [creator] Mike White and what he has to say about the world and these people, and really all of us, through this monologue.I just read it over and over and over and over and over again. And when Sam signed on — Sam is one of my best friends, and Leslie [Bibb], his partner is also one of my best friends — I was nervous that Sam was going to do it, and relieved that Sam was going to do it”, Goggins revealed.

Walton Goggins Says There’s Something More Shocking to Expect from Season 3

Despite already featuring something many of The White Lotus’ long-standing fans weren’t even prepared to see, the show, according to the actor, has more wild cards in store in its upcoming three episodes.

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As Goggins suggested, his character’s storyline will still be intertwined with Frank’s and his girlfriend Chelsea’s, but in much crazier ways.

“Everybody else's story has kind of come online, and Rick's is kind of coming, and then when it happens, it just f---ing happens, and chaos reigns supreme. And there is a message in there for all of us and Frank and their friendship and going through it together and Chelsea”, the actor said, also adding that it will be “quite something”.

The White Lotus’ season 3 episode 6 is now scheduled to air on March 23.

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