The White Lotus Foreshadowed Jaclyn Sleeping With [Spoiler] in S3 E5

The White Lotus Foreshadowed Jaclyn Sleeping With [Spoiler] in S3 E5
Image credit: HBO

The fifth episode was the ultimate depiction of what the phrase “disappointed but not surprised” would look like on screen.

For some fans of The White Lotus, the new season seemed less than compelling. The main complaint was the pacing of the show and the lack of obvious intrigue. However, I'm sure that after this week's episode, everyone would take back the words about season 3 being boring.

Episode 5 was the combination of everything that was foreshadowed in the previous episodes, but with so much more to deal with. That being said, one particular event was absolutely predictable, but that didn't make the fact that it actually happened any less shocking and even a little bit disgusting.

There are many fans of the show who have already questioned the quality of this trio's dynamic (I have already reflected on the true meaning of their toxic friendship), and the new episode made it all clear once and for all.

Jaclyn’s True Nature Revealed in Episode 5

During the episode, Jaclyn, Laurie and Kate went to a party with Russian guys: Valentin and his two friends, Alexey and Vlad. The group went to a crowded bar and had the time of their lives, dancing, drinking, flirting. There were ultimately three couples created for the evening, Jaclyn-Alexey, Laurie-Valentin and Kate-Vlad.

The White Lotus Foreshadowed Jaclyn Sleeping With [Spoiler] in S3 E5 - image 1

It was obvious that Laurie was enjoying it all, Kate was a little paranoid and out of her place, and Jocelyn was constantly seeking validation in the eyes of younger girls and choosing her level of hard partying according to their judgment. The editing made it clear we see for a brief moment that Jaclyn started taking a little more care of Valentin…

From that moment on, the thought "this is going to happen" popped into my head and never left until the moment I saw Jaclyn invite Valentin over for sex. Honestly, it still felt a little off because from the moment the three girls arrived on the island, she was constantly pushing Laurie to have an affair with him, like every episode, even right before she herself slept with the guy that night. But why did she do all that?

“I thought this was being foreshadowed when Jaclyn was pushing Laurie to get with him .. I felt it was sort of projecting by Jaclyn, sort of living her own desire through Laurie?” Redditor 90DFHEA said.

Jaclyn is so afraid of being old and seeming less interesting and hot than her friends for even a moment that she is willing to betray her friend and what's more, put her marriage in jeopardy. And this is something we have been patiently learning about her from the previous episodes, so there wouldn't be any gasps when we see her in action.

The White Lotus is available to stream on Hulu.

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