The Winchesters Finale Narrowly Escapes All Traps It Set For Itself

The Winchesters Finale Narrowly Escapes All Traps It Set For Itself
Image credit: The CW

The CW needs to announce The Winchesters renewal ASAP.

Ever since The Winchesters premiered back in October 2022, there was loads of criticism toward the production team.

While professional critics called the show boring and underwhelwing, comparing to Supernatural, fans were not happy to see the story of Mary and John Winchesters completely changed from what they knew.

During 15 seasons of Supernatural fans got to know a lot about Winchesters' family and faith of both parents, so this complete change of plot seemed lazy and unmotivated. Only 13 episodes later they finally got the answers to all of their questions.

With all the uncertainty surrounding the future of the CW and its originals, including The Winchesters, it was crucial to make the last episode of the season one to remember.

The Winchesters' showrunner, Robbie Thompson, earlier admitted to being in the dark about the possible future of the series, stating that they're prepared for any news.

He admitted in an interview with TVLine to work with what they have and play around the idea they're ending the current storyline. Whether The Winchesters gets another season or not, he had to make sure he's prepared and has something to base it upon.

Later in that same interview, Thompson also added that either way the goal was to make an ending satisfying for the fans without leaving them hanging.

It's safe to say now, the goal was reached, as most of the fandom is very satisfied with the final episode of season 1.

Although seemingly the story has ended in the most unexpected way, it makes total sense in the grand scheme of things. The Winchesters' production team found a way to tie it all together, leaving a bit of space for future growth.

With Dean coming back from heaven, introducing himself as Metallica's lead James Hetfield, to give his parents a chance to live the life they truly deserve, the possibility of various universes makes things even more interesting.

It also opens up a lot of doors for potential upcoming seasons.

This ending for The Winchesters could also mean an alternative ending for Supernatural in general, which would create a whole new narrative in the franchise universe.

Now, after the episode is released, Thompson feels even more hopeful than ever to see the multiverse growing. He even goes as far as teasing other comebacks of the fan-favorite duo in the future, if the show gets a green light to renew.

"I truly believe that there will come a time when Jared and Jensen are going to want to put the boots back on, and I'm really excited to see how they end up returning to these roles," he said to TV Guide, stating that he's ready to continue to work with these characters anytime they're interested.