These 10 British Comedy Shows Are a Must-Watch for Dark Humor Fans

British shows may not be nearly as popular as American shows, but they do have one thing going for them - a unique sense of humor, nurtured by the likes of Noel Coward and Monty Python. British writers have been nurturing their own brand of humor for over 100 years now, and the shows are all the better for it.
Of course, not all British shows are dark, but the ones with more mature and ironic jokes tend to be much better than the lighter ones.
Here are the 10 darkest British comedy shows, ranked:
If you loved "Fleabag, " then the shows on this list will be right up your alley, as the perverse humor of Phoebe Waller-Bridge was nourished by the tradition of British dark humor that is perfectly showcased in the aforementioned shows.
Of course, some of the shows on this list are a bit obscure, but that makes their appeal all the greater, as watching them feels like gaining some forbidden knowledge that not many people are even aware of.
But rest assured, while these 10 shows may not be as well known as other British shows, they are certainly on par with the mainstream in terms of quality, with their dark humor being the only thing stopping them from becoming true classics.