These 10 Movies Were So Bad, Even Their Directors Disowned Them

Of all the professions in Hollywood, directing is certainly the most important, as they make all the creative decisions, work with the actors, and give the movies a sense of style. At least they usually do.
Throughout movie history, there have been a number of examples of directors being forbidden to make any changes to the movies they are directing, with producers and actors taking over instead. Of course, all of these movies turned out to be pretty terrible, and some of the mistreated directors even went so far as to disown their movies.
Here are 10 movies so bad they were disowned by their directors:
As you can see, none of the movies on this list will be inducted into the Hollywood Hall of Fame, as their overall quality is so abysmal that even "The Room" looks like a total masterpiece of creative integrity compared to them.
So it's not hard to understand why directors have decided to disown them - it must be truly infuriating to see yourself relegated to the role of technician, with producers and actors filling your boots.
Producers trying to take control of the movies they produce is one of the biggest problems in Hollywood, and the fact that directors are trying to fight back doesn't seem to be changing the way the major studios approach film production.