This Forgotten Pedro Pascal Thriller Is a Must-Watch for Every Sci-Fi Fan

This Forgotten Pedro Pascal Thriller Is a Must-Watch for Every Sci-Fi Fan
Image credit: Dust (Gunpowder & Sky)

Years before Pascal was protecting Ellie in The Last of Us, he delivered an amazing performance in this 2018 sci-fi gem.

As we all wait for Pedro Pascal 's return as Joel in The Last of Us, there's another sci-fi masterpiece featuring the beloved actor. And you might think you've seen all of Pascal's best work, but trust me, you haven't seen it all yet.

This is a movie that combines westerns with space exploration (a pretty unique blend, if you ask us), as well as a father-daughter story that will surprise you with its emotional depth. If you like the kind of movies that stay with you long after watching, then this one is going to be right up your alley.

Prospect: The Next Sci-Fi Movie You've Been Looking For

Prospect (2018) drops us into a fascinating setting, where it starts the story of a teenager and her father to a mysterious forest moon in hopes of fighting gems that will make them rich. But things take a wild turn when they cross paths with Pedro Pascal's character, Ezra, a mysterious prospector who isn't exactly the friendly type. Pascal absolutely nails this role, and brings this complex character to life in a way that only he can.

One of the directors, Chris Caldwell, simply described the movie as:

“That’s what happens when you grow up on Star Wars visual encyclopedias.”

And you can feel that childlike wonder and obsession with world-building, except here it's grounded in a messy reality that feels more Alien than Star Wars.

Redditor, piscian19, perfectly captures what makes this film special:

“Easily a 10/10. The amount of travel they got out of practical effects and hand crafted set pieces gives Star Wars a run for it's money. As an artist I found the whole package awe inspiring. The guns reminded me a lot of 70s scifi comics. They even designed a seperate written language for that tiny extra bit of authenticity. That it has a great story and well written characters is just icing on the top. Pedro Pascal was perfect.”

Having watched the film multiple times now, I can't help but agree. The attention to detail is crazy, and it's refreshing to see practical effects used so masterfully in an era dominated by CGI.

So before you dive back into The Last of Us, give Prospect a chance. It's smart, beautifully crafted, and features a Pascal performance that hints at the depth he'd later bring to Joel. You can catch Prospect on Apple TV+.

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