This Sci-Fi Gem Was $2B Franchise's Only Saving Grace, But FOX Still Canceled It

This Sci-Fi Gem Was $2B Franchise's Only Saving Grace, But FOX Still Canceled It
Image credit: Fox

Sometimes even the most prominent projects in the iconic franchise end up getting killed off pretty quickly.

A simple story, non-stop action directed by James Cameron, and a charismatic villain with memorable lines are all it takes to turn a low-budget movie into an instant classic. The Terminator is a gripping thriller, a survival drama, and a time-travel science fiction movie. Three genres – one great movie.

Judgement Day is perhaps one of the best sequels of all time, which, like any good sequel, does not exploit the merits of the original, but reinterprets them. It was Judgment Day that forever cemented the franchise in the cultural code and made James Cameron the most important blockbuster director of our time.

After the second installment, however, the franchise began to decline. Rise of the Machines, Terminator Salvation and Genisys stagnated in the same place without giving the audience anything new, but 2008 brought Terminator fans a real gift – the FOX series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

The Sarah Connor Chronicles Was The Terminator Franchise's Salvation

The next installments of James Cameron's classic duology about a robot sent from the future greatly spoiled the karma of the whole Terminator franchise, but The Sarah Connor Chronicles stands out among its followers – the FOX project delved into the study of the consequences of time travel and did it brilliantly.

This Sci-Fi Gem Was $2B Franchise's Only Saving Grace, But FOX Still Canceled It - image 1

Fans of the franchise were cautious while waiting for the television series based on the Terminator film saga. Some feared that the show would be a pale imitation of the films, while others hoped that the series would breathe new life into the saga, which had lost its spark without James Cameron.

In the end, The Sarah Connor Chronicles turned out to be the best thing to happen to the franchise since Terminator 2. It was not only Sarah's gritty story, but also a powerful exploration of the relationship between man and machine.

The Sarah Connor Chronicles Was Canceled by FOX Due to Low Ratings

This Sci-Fi Gem Was $2B Franchise's Only Saving Grace, But FOX Still Canceled It - image 2

The Sarah Connor Chronicles was canceled after just two seasons when its ratings began to plummet. Without much studio support, the show faced a simple lack of money – a high-tech TV action movie required a big budget, but at the same time remained a niche product.

However, the show proved to be quite successful – certainly more convincing and entertaining than Rise of the Machines, which was only interesting for its special effects.

Where to Stream The Sarah Connor Chronicles?

Both seasons of The Sarah Connor Chronicles are available to watch on Prime Video and Hulu.