TV Grey's Anatomy

This Unpopular Opinion on Winston Will Have Any Grey's Fan Nodding Along

This Unpopular Opinion on Winston Will Have Any Grey's Fan Nodding Along
Image credit: ABC

Many fans feel that this handsome surgeon deserves more attention.

Grey's Anatomy has no shortage of handsome men for fans to gawk at. From Andrew DeLuca to Jackson Avery, fans continue to create their own rankings of the show's hottest doctors.

But one character is undeservedly overlooked.

Winston Ndugu, portrayed by Anthony Hill, is a cardiothoracic surgeon married to Maggie Pierce, and a fine man to boot.

Introduced in the nineteenth episode of the sixteenth season, he immediately caught the eye of some fans and only solidified it with his growing storyline of being overworked because he has to do all of his wife's rounds, leaving fans worried about his fate in the future.

They love him not only because he is delicious eye candy, but also because he is one of the most stable characters on the show.

Fans also feel that Winston is criminally underused by the show's writers.

They say he definitely deserves a lot more screen time, and it would be ideal if Maggie would back off a bit and let him shine.

"Yeah they could definitely do more with his character, I would love to see more of him and Maggie too. As much as I like the new interns I don't really understand why they can't put Winston and Maggie in the spotlight with an interesting plot, they just seem to be mostly background which is a shame," Reddit user Penguinator53 said.

Some fans even admit that his sudden appearance on the show, his attraction to Maggie, and the fact that he is just too good to be true, led them to believe at first that Winston was some sort of serial stalker.

Now they are glad to have been wrong.

Others point out that his personality is a bit bland for their tastes and that his character desperately needs more work from the writers to make him more than just a pretty face.

Episode 14 of Grey's Anatomy season 19 is scheduled to air on April 13, 2023.