
Top 3 Movies To Make You Feel Better After Black Mirror S6 Flop

Top 3 Movies To Make You Feel Better After Black Mirror S6 Flop
Image credit: Pandora Filmproduktion, Netflix

Want to relive the magic of previous seasons of Black Mirror? Check out these 3 sci-fi movies that will blow your mind.

Fans were frustrated that the acclaimed show failed to bring back the beloved science fiction atmosphere. The series has always talked about deep issues and thought about the nature of technology. But this time, the writers decided to add weird elements that ruined the original idea of Black Mirror.

We decided to make a list of three movies that will help you feel the spirit of the future, telling about the dangers of the computer world.

1. High Life

A Claire Denis film starring Robert Pattinson and Juliette Binoche. The motion picture ponders the meaning of existence and takes viewers on a fascinating journey through space. The French director's work explores themes of isolation, human nature and the complexity of relationships.

The movie tells the story of the crew of a spaceship on an unusual mission to search for a black hole outside the solar system. Aboard the ship is a team of young men and women who have been convicted of crimes for which they are serving life sentences.

The protagonist Monte, who has voluntarily renounced love and intimate relations, unwillingly becomes the father of a girl who is destined to change the protagonist's life.

2. Upgrade

Leigh Whannell's thrilling action movie, set in the near future, where various technologies affect all aspects of human life.

The story revolves around Grey Trace, one of the few people who likes to work with his hands. He restores and repairs old cars.

One day, on his way back from a client, Grey and his wife are involved in an accident and then fall into the hands of a gang of thugs. As a result, the woman dies and the main character is paralyzed from the neck down.

The same rich client offers the unfortunate man an experimental STEM implant that can restore full mobility.

Upgrade offers a unique blend of science fiction and action with a gripping plot. It also raises thought-provoking questions about the relationship between humans and technology, and the consequences of merging the two.

3. Ready Player One

And finally, the legendary Steven Spielberg film about a dystopian world where people escape the harsh reality in the virtual game world of the OASIS.

The game's creator, the brilliant and eccentric James Halliday, leaves behind a unique legacy. All of his colossal fortune will go to the player who is the first to discover the digital easter egg that the billionaire has hidden somewhere in the vastness of the OASIS.

Ready Player One is a nostalgic and visually stunning journey filled with pop culture references. It's an exciting adventure that combines action, romance, and humor. The movie's message about the importance of human connection and the dangers of escapism resonates with audiences.