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Top 5 Underrated Michael Scott Quotes from The Office to Live By, Ranked

Top 5 Underrated Michael Scott Quotes from The Office to Live By, Ranked
Image credit: NBC

The legendary Regional Manager of Dunder Mifflin has had some great lines on the show, each one more iconic than the last. The question is – which one is truly the home run, the icing on the cake, the cherry on top?

Time to find out!

Here are our top five Michael Scott quotes from The Office, which you are free to disagree with, but we will fight you on this.

5. I learned a while back that if I do not text 911, people do not return my calls. Um, but people always return my calls because they think that something horrible has happened.

This legendary quote (and life advice) comes from the season 5 episode, Frame Toby, in which Michael's least favorite employee is hired back, and he is not happy about it.

After making this horrible discovery, Michael texts "911 CALL ME" to David Wallace to get him to call him back (which he does, so the strategy is legit).

4. Make friends first, make sales second, make love third. In no particular order.

In the season 6 episode, New Leads, this gem is born out of Michael's frustration with the Sabre's takeover.

He recalls the great times they had at pre-Sabre Dunder Mifflin and lists his top three life goals to Dwight in a specific order, which he himself disregards one sentence later.

Still, friends, love, and sales (as a metaphor for financial stability) are pretty important!

Top 5 Underrated Michael Scott Quotes from The Office to Live By, Ranked - image 1

3. I'm an early bird and I'm a night owl so I'm wise and I have worms.

Michael gives his hot take on this famous saying in the season 2 episode, Office Olympics.

He arrives at the office early (hence, he is an early bird) and hungry (has worms), so what is his next move?

Michael asks Ryan, the temp, to come in early too for an important task (bring the boss breakfast). That's not really wise, but we'll allow it.

2. And I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do.

Michael may not be the smartest, but he is definitely one of the most relatable characters on The Office. In the season 5 episode, Stress Relief, he proves that once again.

Stanley suffers a heart attack, and Michael questions his ability to help in life-or-death situations, prompting him to utter this line. Honestly, we have all felt that way at some point.

1. Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.

This line from the season 2 episode, The Fight, rightfully takes the crown as it perfectly sums up Michael's personality.

His inane drive to be universally liked usually makes people afraid of what Michael can do, but we all know that the Scranton fam loves their Regional Manager no matter what!

Don't we all want to find someone who feels that way about us?

If you have any doubts about our top five, push them in as deep as you can (that's what she said). You knew we couldn't leave you without it.