Twilight Fans Shocked to Discover Crucial Deleted Team Jacob Scene

If you believe Team Jacob never had a chance, maybe this is because the movies never gave one.
There is a deleted scene in Twilight: Eclipse that could have been a game-changer for Team Jacob, and Bella and Jacob's relationship in general. If it was included in the movie, maybe it would not be so "cringe" to support Jacob as Bella's perfect boyfriend and not Edward.
However, it is not even possible to see it online, with Team Jacob apologists having nothing but 2 pictures and the script.
In the axed scene, we would have gotten to see glimpses of Bella and Jacob's future together as she realizes that he is her natural soulmate and even sees their kids. Eclipse should have also included Bella's unofficial "breakup" with Jacob and the night she spent mourning their unfortunate love story.
The vision of Bella and Jacob's happy future was supposed to take place at the mountaintop when the two shared a kiss. However, many Twilight fans don't even know that the scene existed.
"Like, how can you bank so much on the whole "Team Edward vs Team Jacob" dynamic for marketing and then leave like 90% of Team Jacob's appeal out of the film?" Redditor Slashycent wondered.
Other fans argued that a petition should be started to "make Summit Entertainment realize the full scene of the Bella and Jake future." At least there could be some sort of a director's cut that would do Team Jacob more justice.
However, as of now, it seems highly unlikely that the studio will release any additional materials, let alone a director's cut to Eclipse with all the never-realized scenes. After all, it's been more than ten years now, so Team Jacob can do nothing but move on at this point.