Two Pirates of the Caribbean Movies in the Works: Is Margot Robbie In or Not?

Producer’s update reveals the new direction for the legendary pirate franchise.
Building upon the existing franchises is never exactly easy. Fans already have expectations based on the previous creator’s vision; there’s already an established tone of voice and setting to defer to; and overall, people don’t take kindly to reboots, remakes, and “new chapters” when it comes to their favorite fictional worlds.
But Pirates of the Caribbean bosses are feeling increasingly optimistic about their idea of rebooting the iconic franchise without its lead star, Johnny Depp.
PotC Producer Reveals Two New Movies
As controversial as the decision to move into the new era of Pirates without Depp has proven to be, Disney doesn’t seem inclined to back down from it. Recently, Jerry Bruckheimer, the producer of all the existing PotC movies, sat down with EW to discuss the franchise’s future — and he had some intriguing updates to share.
“[We now have] two different movies. We hope to get them both made, and I think Disney agrees they really want to make the Margot one, too,” Bruckheimer revealed.
So, two movies — and neither of them features Johnny Depp. One of them, however, is supposed to have Margot Robbie in the lead, which could be a great sign: after all, when your franchise is famous for its A-list lead star, you’ll need another A-lister to step up if you don’t want to lose the appeal… Completely.
PotC Bosses Are Optimistic About the Reboot
Even while the second of the two movies is lacking its top-tier lead at this point, Bruckheimer feels good about it — and particularly, about its writer Jeff Nathanson’s work. Nathanson is known as the Dead Men Tell No Tales’ scribe, which is widely regarded to be the worst Pirates movie ever, but this time, things are different.
“I think [Jeff has] cracked it. He’s got an amazing third act. We just gotta clean up the first and second and then we’ll get there. But he wrote a great, great third act,” the producer said.
The future of Pirates of the Carribean doesn’t look defined so far. The two movies Bruckheimer mentioned are lacking complete scripts and casts, so we’ll have to wait and see what they make out of these plans — but of one thing we’re certain: the shadow of Johnny Depp will always be looming over new PotC movies, no matter how great or terrible they’ll turn out to be.
Source: EW