Weasley Twins' Weirdest Decision Perfectly Explained By New Fan Theory

The Weasley Twins, Fred and George, have always had a reputation for being Hogwarts' main pranksters and troublemakers.
They were famous (or notorious — it depends on who you're asking) for always being up for some mischief, breaking rules, and doing all sorts of stuff they were not supposed to.
Their reputation started long before Harry Potter first set foot in Hogwarts — even as he's first getting on board Hogwarts Express, he hears the twins' mother, Molly Weasley, ask them to stop fooling around since she's tired of receiving complaints.
During Harry's third year at Hogwarts, the twins reveal one of their secrets to him: apparently, a few years prior, they found a magical map that massively helped them with their misdeeds.
The map showed them where everyone at Hogwarts was as well as several hidden passages from the castle even they had no idea about.
After letting Harry in on their little secret, Fred and George gave this map — the Marauders' Map — to Harry as a present. It surely came in handy for Harry, but…
Have you ever wondered why did the twins give up one of their most valued possessions that helped them so much? And why did they give it to Harry of all people?
Many people say that Fred and George just felt bad for Harry since he couldn't go out and enjoy Hogsmeade like other students, but it seems like a very lazy explanation: no Hogsmeade weekend is worth the Marauder's Map.
Reddit user Pacquiao14 suggests there was a completely different reason behind the twins' gesture — and they appear closer to the truth.
They tied up two simple facts:
Fred and George are very loyal and protective of their family, and out of all their relatives, they're the closest with their little sister Ginny;
A year prior to the present, Harry got Ginny out of the Chamber of Secrets, literally saving her life as well as many others.
Admittedly, Fred and George felt ultimately grateful to Harry for saving their little sister, and apart from that, they realized that he was the kind of person who could use the Marauders' Map for more than just mischief.
Harry's attitude towards the twins was a cherry on top, too. He was pretty much the only person who never judged them, never mixed them up, and took them seriously.
Only Harry was genuinely interested in their opinions, and Harry was the first to recognize their brilliance when everyone else just labeled them as clowns instead.
Even if the final trigger for making such a gift to Harry was the news of him being unable to visit Hogsmeade, their real reasons were completely different.
Fred and George were grateful to Harry for many things, and the Marauders' Map was their way of saying "thank you" for everything he'd done for them.