What Is The Most Horrible Game of Thrones House Everyone Hates? (The Answer Will Surprise You)

What Is The Most Horrible Game of Thrones House Everyone Hates? (The Answer Will Surprise You)
Image credit: HBO

Their actions remain despicable to this day.

Of course, many fans of George R. R. Martin's story and HBO's iconic fantasy series will immediately think of the Lannisters when it comes to betrayal, intrigue, and murder.

This house, which terrorized the entire realm of Westeros for years, had long been ruled by the ruthless and conniving Lord Tywin, who set the policies of the Iron Throne. Tywin used his children as pawns in his vast chess game being played on the fields of Westeros.

But for all the negative traits of House Lannister, it is still the Greyjoys who are most despised by fans. The rulers of the Iron Islands are known for their unforgiving nature, brutal raids on innocent settlements, looting, and violence.

One of the reasons many scorned House Greyjoy was their treatment of their own people. The lords believed in a strict hierarchical system where the strongest ruled and the weakest were left to fend for themselves. Such an oppressive regime led to a society plagued by violence and despair.

What Is The Most Horrible Game of Thrones House Everyone Hates? (The Answer Will Surprise You) - image 1

It was those represented by the Kraken who evoked the deepest negative emotions in viewers. Theon Greyjoy, initially portrayed as a pompous but loyal ally of the Stark family, was sympathetic. But after Robb's betrayal and capture of Winterfell, Theon became one of the most hated characters on the show.

His abusive father, Balon, was no less of a loathsome figure. The patriarch of the family was a cold and ruthless leader who cared little for the welfare of his kin. After losing the war, he gave his son Theon to the Starks, and when he returned, Balon didn't even greet him and sent him back to the furnace.

Who are the worst: the Lannisters or the Greyjoys?

To top it all off, the rise of Euron Greyjoy, Balon's younger brother, was one of the truly terrible periods in the history of the continent. Euron's sadistic nature and lust for power led him to commit unspeakable acts, including the murder of his own brother, the enslavement of innocent civilians, and a tragic alliance with Cersei Lannister that led to the outbreak of a bloody war in Westeros.

Source: Reddit