TV Family Guy Spider-Man

What Was Willem Dafoe's Reaction to His Weird Family Guy Parody?

What Was Willem Dafoe's Reaction to His Weird Family Guy Parody?
Image credit: Marvel/Fox Television Animation

Family Guy avoided pissing off the legendary actor.

The tradition of celebrity parodies in Family Guy is as old as the show itself. Over the years, the sitcom has given us unforgettable impersonations and hilarious caricatures of famous personalities.

If you're a fan of Family Guy, you'll remember the hilarious episode where Stewie Griffin, the show's precocious and mischievous toddler, reveals that he used to have someone living under his bed.

This wasn't just any monster-under-the-bed scenario, but a parody of the Oscar-nominated actor, Willem Dafoe, complete with a cigarette and a creepy crawl back under the crib.

This scene from season 6, episode 5 titled Lois Kills Stewie was a classic Family Guy gag. But what did the real Willem Dafoe think about this unusual portrayal?

When Dafoe first learned about his Family Guy cameo, he was amused and intrigued. "Someone told me to look at YouTube for this," he shared with Digital Spy, laughing at the depiction. Despite not being familiar with the show, Dafoe found the parody "pretty cool" and appreciated the humor in it.

It’s great that Dafoe took the joke with appreciation unlike Adrien Brody who was offended by the joke about his nose on Family Guy. But on the other hand, the joke about Brody was really offensive, while Dafoe’s appearance is almost innocent.

However, Lois Kills Stewie wasn’t the last episode Willem Dafoe appeared in. If anyone deserves to be on Family Guy more than once, the legendary Dafoe is the right choice.

The show surprised us with another hilarious mention of the actor in season 19, episode 3, titled Boys & Squirrels.

In this episode, Quagmire, Joe, and Cleveland are watching Peter carving trees. Eventually, Peter carves Willem Defoe’s face. Peter makes a joke about Dafoe’s face being sharp and perfect for carving.

Joe expresses his admiration for Dafoe he declares, "I just love William Defoe." This leads to a humorous exchange where Quagmire corrects him, pointing out that it's "Willem," not "William."

The conversation spirals into a series of mispronunciations involving Kirsten Dunst's name, who co-starred with Dafoe in Spider-Man.

Source: Digital Spy