Which Iconic 2010s Character Are You, According to Your Zodiac Sign?

Find out more about your true self.
Although humanity is fast approaching the mid-2020s, the characters we loved and cherished in the 2010s are still very fresh in our memories and hearts. Moreover, many of them are perfect portraits of the personalities we encounter in our daily lives.
If you are interested in finding out which iconic character from 2010s movies, TV shows or animations could be the best source of inspiration for you based on your zodiac sign, check out the list below.
Aries – Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones )
With so many people calling their daughters Daenerys to honor George R.R. Martin's character, you may as well be Daenerys already.
You have everything it takes to be a visionary leader, but you often make decisions with your heart, not your head. Fiery, stubborn, and ambitious, you would be the only sign to have dragon blood running through your veins.
Taurus – Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games )
All Katniss wants from her life is stability, but as the events of the Hunger Games unfold, she finds herself farther and farther away from her dreams.
Determined and down-to-earth, Katniss was always very practical about what she did to win. But overall, every decision she made was dictated by her love for someone close to her, and that is the feeling you as a Taurus can probably relate to the most.
Gemini – Fleabag ( Fleabag)
You have a strong personality, you know your strengths and how to use them, but sometimes you tend to get too caught up in the events of your life. When things get overwhelming, you may have a tendency to self-destruct, but that's never the right path for anyone.
There's no promise that you'll meet your Hot Priest one day, but keep looking. Who knows what life will throw your way next?
Cancer – Raj Koothrappali (The Big Bang Theory )
While Raj's recurring theme throughout the show's 12 seasons has been the search for true love, his character hasn't always been tied to that quest. First and foremost, he's a friend, a son, and a brother, and he's good at each of those roles.
Caring, sensitive, and sometimes looking at the world around him through a pink-colored lens, you will likely recognize his struggle and learn from the mistakes he makes along the way.
Leo – Rachel Berry (Glee )
Whether you like it or not, you are a star and you are supposed to shine. You probably know that, and you just have to allow yourself to be the center of attention here and there.
Of course, Rachel Berry's methods were sometimes a bit too radical, but she was right in her determination and refusal to give up under any circumstances. Perhaps that is the lesson you can learn from her.
Virgo – Captain America ( MCU )
You have a huge heart filled with many emotions, but you also know your duty, just as Steve Rogers knows his. Your responsibilities probably don't match his, but the seriousness with which you take your duties certainly does.
Virgos thrive when they're useful, which makes them twice as hardworking and reliable as any other sign. Plus, they're not usually the ones to dislike the rules, if those rules make sense.
Libra – Jughead Jones (Riverdale )
You’re weird, you’re weirdo, even, but that’s okay. A burning passion for creativity and justice are two driving forces that make you who you are and motivate you to be even better. Sometimes you may feel awkward or embarrassed, like you're not good enough and let your insecurities take over, but that's not the way to go.
Be strong, bold, and courageous, and you'll find yourself in the right place. Hopefully not as scary as Riverdale.
Scorpio – Lily Tucker-Pritchett (Modern Family )
If Scorpios are passionate about something, they'll die for it, but if they're forced to do something they don't enjoy, you'll never hear the end of it. Your assertive and dominant personality can often come across as rude, but those who love and care for you already know all the soft spots beneath the tough surface.
Lily's snarky comments and overall mature approach to all things in life are a perfect example of a Scorpio in the making.
Sagittarius – Ian Gallagher (Shameless)
While many of Ian's decisions were dictated by his intense battle with bipolar disorder, it is clear that underneath it all was always an upbeat and adventurous personality that perfectly matched the Sagittarians of the world.
Funny, compassionate, and caring, Ian was always a little too easy to get carried away, and that is exactly where you might see yourself. But it's always better to put your heart into something than not to care at all, isn't it?
Capricorn – Elsa (Frozen)
There is no better example of Capricorns than Elsa, the true queen of winter and snow. Just like you, she takes her responsibilities very seriously and doesn't give up no matter what difficulties she faces. She may come across as cold (no pun intended), but her heart burns with passion.
The one thing that not all Capricorns can compete with Elsa on is her singing talent. But don't let that stop you from trying, because you're likely to be stubborn enough to succeed in the end.
Aquarius – Sebastian Wilder (La La Land )
When we meet Sebastian as an observer, it is hard to crack him. White is very talented and creative, there is a certain mystery about him, which is usually a good sign for an Aquarian. They're hard to crack, but once you do, you're welcomed into the beauty of their minds.
Shy but persistent, quiet but insanely talented, you tend to keep to yourself unless it's absolutely necessary. Being more open could do you some real good.
Pisces – Gary ‘Eggsy’ Unwin (Kingsman )
Although Pisces can be very different in personality, they tend to come across as loyal, sensitive, and generally nice people. However, under various pressures in life, they can become rebellious, as Eggsy was at the beginning of a franchise.
Under the right influence and guidance, like the one Gary found in Harry Hart, they can easily become the best version of themselves.