Who Are the 5 Game of Thrones Stars in Netflix’s 3 Body Problem?

Benioff and Weiss’ latest hard sci-fi TV show 3 Body Problem features a surprising number of Game of Thrones stars. Who are they and who do they portray?
Benioff and Weiss became popular (and then, notorious) thanks to being the Game of Thrones ’ showrunners. The iconic duo’s new show, 3 Body Problem, carries quite a resemblance to their first big thing, from the executive staff working on the series to the soundtrack written by Ramin Djawadi to the many GoT stars who returned in the new hard sci-fi saga.
But have you spotted all 5 Game of Thrones actors in 3 Body Problem?
John Bradley: from Samwell Tarly to Jack Rooney
In Game of Thrones, John Bradley played the shy, somewhat cowardly, but ultimately wholesome and loyal Sam Tarly, Jon Snow’s best friend. His 3 Body Problem character, Jack Rooney, couldn’t have been more different: after D&D saw Bradley flirting with a tourist, they knew he had to play a sarcastic and caustic part.
Liam Cunningham: from Davos Seaworth to Thomas Wade
Another actor whose 3 Body Problem character has nothing in common with his Game of Thrones alter ego, Liam Cunningham portrayed good ol’ reliable Ser Davos when he “lived” in Westeros. Now, Cunningham plays Wade, the cunning intelligence agency boss, the part he loved so much he dropped another gig for it.
Jonathan Pryce: from High Sparrow to Mike Evans
It’s hard to pinpoint what exactly, but there’s something eerily familiar in Jonathan Pryce’s 3 Body Problem character. Perhaps, it’s his wielding his immense power to achieve his beliefs; perhaps, it’s his subtle “me against the world” stance. Either way, we get some strong High Sparrow vibes all the way from King’s Landing.
Conleth Hill: from the Spider to the Pope
It took some viewers several Game of Thrones seasons to finally warm up to Conleth Hill’s Lord Varys; his motivations were way too unclear for the majority of the show. In 3 Body Problem, it’s a lot easier to judge his character: the actor makes a minor appearance as the Pope — or rather, the Pope’s fake version from an alien planet.
Mark Gatiss: from Tycho Nestoris to Isaac Newton
Mark Gatiss is primarily known for his writing and acting in iconic TV shows like Doctor Who and Sherlock. His Game of Thrones role wasn’t too big: he portrayed an envoy from the Iron Bank of Braavos in several episodes, and his 3 Body Problem character is yet more elusive as he plays a video game version of Isaac Newton.