
Why Everyone Is Worried about Copyright Claims with AIs on the Rise

Why Everyone Is Worried about Copyright Claims with AIs on the Rise
Image credit: globallookpress

Artificial Intelligence technology is conquering the world, and it is doing that fast.

So far, people have been divided over the question of whether AI is our friend or foe. Why are many so against it?

First of all, people are always afraid of something new (or at least cautious about it), that is a natural human reaction.

Second, AIs have started "stealing" people's jobs, and the future looks dim for some. Designers, copywriters, translators, and many other industry professionals are simply scared to be put out of a job, and understandably so.

AIs can do many tasks faster and more efficiently. Can they do them better than people? Probably, not or at least not yet.

The more optimistic AI advocates do believe that we can use them to our advantage and optimize some routine work. While that is true, another question arises.

When it comes to AI art or even texts, who owns them? Is it the person who wrote the prompts? Or maybe the person who developed the AI in question? Who is to say…

As of now, there is no definitive answer. For instance, the U.S. Copyright Office has not allowed to grant a copyright registration for AI art since the copyright law in force states that only human authorship can be protected by copyright, i.e. currently AI-generated art cannot be owned by anyone.

However, this is only one of the cases in one of the countries. Who knows what the copyright authorities decide in Australia or Brazil?

Until some legislation is introduced and properly regulated in each country, this uncertainty will only make everyone worry more.

Plus, many are concerned with the fact that the creators whose artworks were used to train the AIs are not credited in any way. If these AIs are used for commercial purposes, not giving any credit to the artists does seem unfair, doesn't it?

Another issue is the commercial use itself. People are debating whether it should be allowed at all, and if it is, how it should be regulated. A lot of petitions on the topic have recently seen the light of the day…

Of course, the AI debate will need some time and effort from all the involved parties to get resolved peacefully. Let's just keep calm and hope for a brighter future for all, shall we?