Movies Fantastic Beasts Harry Potter Lupin

Why Reboot Harry Potter When The Perfect Spin-Off Idea Is Right There?

Why Reboot Harry Potter When The Perfect Spin-Off Idea Is Right There?
Image credit: Legion-Media

The Wizarding World is clearly here to stay, as showcased by the recent HBO's announcement that a new adaptation of the beloved J.K. Rowling's books is underway, this time as a series.

While the new take on the franchise can definitely bring to the light the aspects of books that were omitted by the movies, or explore the world and characters at a greater depth, this is not the only idea from the Harry Potter realm that has screen potential.

If we were to ask which spin-off would be one of the best fits for Harry Potter fans, one answer that readily comes to mind is The Marauders.

As a memory refresher, the Marauders were a group of Hogwarts students consisting of James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew.

These four friends were significant characters in the overall plot of the franchise, but their story was only briefly shown through flashbacks and memories.

A spin-off that tells their story would be a fascinating way to explore the franchise further.

The whole idea offers a universe of possibilities, from casting wishes to format. It might be a drama, it might be a comedy.

As some fans on Reddit even suggest, the spin-off could work as a sitcom. The potential sitcom could explore the familiar setting in a very unusual, thus imaginative form.

"I want to see a scene recreating that one tumblr post that talks about Tonks and Lupin in bed and he turns over to cuddle her and she's Metaporphized her face into Snape's and he gets the shock of his life," Redditor sunforthemoon suggests a specific scene for a Marauders sitcom.

The Marauders spin-off could show fans the creation of the Marauder's Map, their confrontations with Snape, the blossoming romance between Lily and James.

It could tackle the rise of Lord Voldemort, and the whole story behind Pettigrew's betrayal, and even the formation of the Order of the Phoenix. All of this could make for compelling storytelling.

One fan took the idea as far as suggest "Band of brothers/The Pacific style but First Order of the Phoenix" series. We bet a lot of people would watch that. Well, instead we're getting the same Harry Potter story all over again...

The Marauders, if it ever were to be filmed, could right what Fantastic Beasts did wrong. It could show fans more of Harry Potter's rich and flamboyant world.

There's so much in it that we haven't seen and it just awaits its right time to be presented to the fans. Perhaps, this time is now.