You'll Never Guess Why Henry Cavill Didn't Get To Play James Bond In Casino Royale

This might be the worst reason for rejection.
With all the recent chatter about another James Bond casting, it's hard to avoid the conversations about the actors who have tried and failed to make the cut.
There is a lot that goes into a role like this, and not everyone can fit the artistic vision that casting directors have.
Henry Cavill, however, is one of those actors that pretty much everyone would agree on when talking about James Bond.
Tall, fit, and conventionally handsome, he also has the charisma that Agent 007 has and the ability to pull off many of the stunts that each film in the franchise is packed with.
However, his audition for Casino Royale didn't live up to anyone's expectations.
In a 2019 interview with Men's Health, the actor opened up about his experience with the film's casting director. The audience was stunned to learn one of the notes that the team behind Casino Royale had about Cavill's appearance:
“I probably could have prepared better. I remember the director, Martin Campbell, saying, ‘Looking a little chubby there, Henry'. I didn’t know how to train or diet. And I’m glad Martin said something, because I respond well to truth. It helps me get better,” he said.
Although this reason seems absolutely crazy to any Henry Cavill fan, considering the flawless condition of the body the actor works on every day, in reality, it didn't come out of nowhere. As the actor admitted in the same interview, he used to be a chubby kid and had to fight to look like he does now.
Fortunately, Cavill is now in his early 40s, knows a lot more about both acting and fitness and can easily go through the audition process again.
Whether this role will be the next step for the actor after leaving the DCEU's Superman behind, or whether he'll take another journey, we'll have to wait and find out for ourselves.
Be sure to keep an eye out for any James Bond casting news and updates!
Source: Men’s Health