Young Sheldon Loophole Allows Fixing Georgie’s Love Life without Ruining TBBT Canon

The Big Bang Theory revealed that Georgie Cooper had been divorced twice a long time ago, but that’s not actually a problem.
While the older Georgie appears bitter and unhappy in The Big Bang Theory episode when he meets up with Sheldon, the young Georgie still has hope in his eyes. He is engaged to the woman he loves, he has an amazing baby girl with her, and he is doing well career-wise.
Young Sheldon fans are rooting for Georgie and Mandy, so their inevitable breakup (or even divorce) has broken the audience’s hearts in advance. What if we told you that there’s a way to avoid all that?
Georgie has to get divorced twice, but who says that both divorces can’t be from Mandy? Picture this: the couple finally gets married, but there is their age difference, they have a daughter together, and their careers might get in the way.
All these things can break anyone up, especially if they are all happening at once. Let’s say Georgie and Mandy get divorced at some point, but they are still co-parenting Cece, which means that they are in each other’s lives.
Time passes by, Georgie and Mandy are older and wiser and end up getting back together and tying the knot for the second time. However, as soon as they do it, all of their old fights and problems seem to resurface for some reason.
They go to couple counseling, which helps them realize that maybe marriage just isn’t for them. Mandy’s parents are barely an example of a healthy relationship, considering that Audrey is kind of abusive and controlling toward Jim. Mary and George are no better with their emotional (and possibly physical) affairs.
Mandy and Georgie get divorced again and decide to be together but not be legally bound to each other in marriage. They live happily ever after, becoming a shining example of couples who don’t need rings on their fingers to love each other (and it’s high time we get this kind of representation on television if you ask us).