5 Surprising Facts Even Hardcore Fans Don't Know About Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Zoe Wallace
5 Surprising Facts Even Hardcore Fans Don't Know About Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
These are details that once again show the scope of the cult movie.
3 LotR Characters Who Sealed Middle Earth's Fate By Their Poor Choices
Dean Black
3 LotR Characters Who Sealed Middle Earth's Fate By Their Poor Choices
Middle Earth has seen many great wars and turmoils. It had many great kings, heroes, and wizards; and from all of their actions and choices, the fate of the world has been determined over and over again.
My Precious: Lord of The Rings Biggest Inconsistency Finally Explained
Zoe Wallace
My Precious: Lord of The Rings Biggest Inconsistency Finally Explained
What appeared to be a hole in the plot is actually a deeper revelation of the versatility of J. R. R. Tolkien's work.
We Sorted Lord of the Rings Characters in Hogwarts Houses, And It Got Weird
Tatiana Santos
We Sorted Lord of the Rings Characters in Hogwarts Houses, And It Got Weird
Assigning Hogwarts houses to characters from other franchises has been popular ever since the first Harry Potter movie hit the big screen.
LotR's Magic is Dead and Buried: Andy Serkis' Gollum Update is the Last Nail in the Coffin
Dan Bentley
LotR's Magic is Dead and Buried: Andy Serkis' Gollum Update is the Last Nail in the Coffin
Considering that the LotR film series is one of the highest-grossing franchises of all time, it's no surprise that Warner Bros. wants to make more films.
Lord of the Rings: The Cut Sauron Scene That Would Have Ruined the Finale
Aaren Gimenez
Lord of the Rings: The Cut Sauron Scene That Would Have Ruined the Finale
Peter Jackson's movie trilogy is often considered to be as faithful an adaptation of The Lord of the Rings, as we can realistically hope for.
Andy Serkis Wants to Return to Lord of the Rings (Not You, Amazon!)
Alex Nguyen
Andy Serkis Wants to Return to Lord of the Rings (Not You, Amazon!)
British actor Andy Serkis is known for his long association with Peter Jackson, playing the prominent role of Gollum in The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the first film in The Hobbit trilogy.
Matt Reeves' Batman Sequel Will Bring One Fan Favorite Character Back
Mathias Noris
Matt Reeves' Batman Sequel Will Bring One Fan Favorite Character Back
If you were concerned about the fate of Bruce Wayne's loyal butler, there is some good news.
Lord of The Rings Unexplored Stories We Want To See On Screen The Most
Zoe Wallace
Lord of The Rings Unexplored Stories We Want To See On Screen The Most
A new Lord of the Rings movie series is in development after 20 years. Fans have their ideas about what it should be about.
Tolkien's Original Version Of The Hobbit Told A Very Different Gollum Story
Aaren Gimenez
Tolkien's Original Version Of The Hobbit Told A Very Different Gollum Story
J.R.R. Tolkien as writer deeply cared for his fictional world and its continuity.
Did Jackson Take Liberties Too Far? 5 LotR Scenes That Weren't in the Books
Aaren Gimenez
Did Jackson Take Liberties Too Far? 5 LotR Scenes That Weren't in the Books
Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings movies are often praised for being as faithful an adaptation of a notoriously difficult to adapt book, as realistically possible.
Powerful Deleted LotR Scene Reveals Frodo's Worst Possible Future
Dan Bentley
Powerful Deleted LotR Scene Reveals Frodo's Worst Possible Future
As the second film in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Two Towers continues the story of the Fellowship as they attempt to destroy the One Ring and defeat Sauron's forces. 
Cut LotR Scene Almost Turned Frodo into Middle Earth's Most Hated Creature
Aaren Gimenez
Cut LotR Scene Almost Turned Frodo into Middle Earth's Most Hated Creature
Frodo's overarching goal in The Lord of the Rings is to carry the One Ring to Mount Doom and cast it into the fiery crack where it was forged, to destroy Sauron, whom it keeps bound to the world, once and for all. 
Yes, Homelander's Mirror Scene in The Boys Was Inspired by Spider-Man 2
Louise Everitt
Yes, Homelander's Mirror Scene in The Boys Was Inspired by Spider-Man 2
Amazon's superhero satire can't help but take inspiration from the greatest.
LotR Gave Us a Lesson on Heroism Superhero Movies Failed to Learn
Aaren Gimenez
LotR Gave Us a Lesson on Heroism Superhero Movies Failed to Learn
And what is that lesson, you might ask? 
One Simple Meme Will Completely Ruin Gandalf for Any LotR Fan
Dan Bentley
One Simple Meme Will Completely Ruin Gandalf for Any LotR Fan
The LotR's popularity has influenced many theories, memes, and even its own fan-made fiction since the release of the movie trilogy. 
Gollum Reimagined as Avatar Character Will Have You Scarred for Life
Louise Everitt
Gollum Reimagined as Avatar Character Will Have You Scarred for Life
If you had nightmares about Gollum as a child, get ready to have them again.
Did James Gunn Just Subtly Diss Tom Cruise?
Aaren Gimenez
Did James Gunn Just Subtly Diss Tom Cruise?
Or, in fact, maybe he did so not very subtly. 
AI Imagines LotR Characters as Cats; Gollum is Pure Nightmare Fuel
Louise Everitt
AI Imagines LotR Characters as Cats; Gollum is Pure Nightmare Fuel
Creepy kind of cute. 
One Lord of the Rings Deleted Scene Would Have Changed Everything
Dan Bentley
One Lord of the Rings Deleted Scene Would Have Changed Everything
It's fair to say that Boromir received a fairly good representation in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy. The novels by J.R.R Tolkien are admired for their depth of description, as well as the complexity and nuances of the characters. Boromir, however, has been mostly neglected by his creator.