One GoT Character Could Return in House of the Dragon, But Fans Would Hate It
Louise Everitt
One GoT Character Could Return in House of the Dragon, But Fans Would Hate It
The events of House of the Dragon take place about two centuries before Game of Thrones, but one character from the original series could easily appear in the prequel.
How House Of The Dragon Stars Really Felt About Aemond Losing An Eye
Aaren Gimenez
How House Of The Dragon Stars Really Felt About Aemond Losing An Eye
There is no doubt that House of the Dragon presents Rhaenyra Targaryen and Alicent Hightower, whose older incarnations are played by Emma D'Arcy and Olivia Cooke, respectively, as its main characters, and their increasingly hostile relationship as the core of the unfolding conflict. 
Criston Cole's Death Could Be One of the Blacks' Greatest Triumphs on House of the Dragon
Aaren Gimenez
Criston Cole's Death Could Be One of the Blacks' Greatest Triumphs on House of the Dragon
...But, in fact, it won't be. 
These Game of Thrones Characters Are the Show's Most Underrated Team
Lee Jevon
These Game of Thrones Characters Are the Show's Most Underrated Team
Game of Thrones had some pretty awesome teams; Tyrion and Bronn; Jaime and Brienne; Arya and the Hound to name just a few. 
One Bright Spot in an Otherwise Hopeless HotD Toxic Abyss Is About to Be Ruined
Lee Jevon
One Bright Spot in an Otherwise Hopeless HotD Toxic Abyss Is About to Be Ruined
Westeros is not exactly renowned for its portrayal of relationship goals. 
Reality Bites: House of the Dragon Kinda Ruined Daenerys' Dragons For Us
Louise Everitt
Reality Bites: House of the Dragon Kinda Ruined Daenerys' Dragons For Us
If there's one thing the Game of Thrones prequel did better than the original, it's the dragons. 
Move Aside, Red Wedding: This Death Sets Up HotD's Most Horrifying Scene
Aaren Gimenez
Move Aside, Red Wedding: This Death Sets Up HotD's Most Horrifying Scene
And you thought Red Wedding was bad enough…
Jack Ryan Season 3 Repeats Annoying House of the Dragon Problem
Dawn Coleman
Jack Ryan Season 3 Repeats Annoying House of the Dragon Problem
Some scenes of Jack Ryan's season 3 were so dark that viewers questioned the quality of their devices.
Explosive Deleted Scene They Totally Should Have Kept in House of the Dragon
Lee Jevon
Explosive Deleted Scene They Totally Should Have Kept in House of the Dragon
It's common knowledge that not every scene that gets filmed will make the final edit of any TV show. But one explosive scene featuring Milly Alcock and Emily Carey feels like it should have been included in House of the Dragon.
Wednesday Who? Jack Ryan Season 3 Beats Netflix's Hit Show, Sets Epic Record
Thomas Pritchard
Wednesday Who? Jack Ryan Season 3 Beats Netflix's Hit Show, Sets Epic Record
It's official: Jack Ryan has dethroned Netflix's latest hit, Tim Burton's Wednesday, as the king of streaming series. 
One Character's Death Crucial to Teen Wolf: The Movie's Success
Thomas Pritchard
One Character's Death Crucial to Teen Wolf: The Movie's Success
Looks like Teen Wolf fans won't be able to escape a tragedy either way.
House of the Dragon Wig That Should Have Been Burned Not Filmed, According to Fans
Louise Everitt
House of the Dragon Wig That Should Have Been Burned Not Filmed, According to Fans
If you want to hit House of the Dragon fans where it hurts, just bring up the wig issue. 
3 Most Beautiful HotD Dragons That Are Yet to Appear on Screen
Louise Everitt
3 Most Beautiful HotD Dragons That Are Yet to Appear on Screen
After all, it's not only royal drama and succession wars we watch the Game of Thrones prequel for. 
Viserys' Crown Moment Almost Didn't Happen, But Paddy Considine Saved The Day
Louise Everitt
Viserys' Crown Moment Almost Didn't Happen, But Paddy Considine Saved The Day
All hail the true king!
You Don't Have to Bother Watching HotD: GoT Scene Already Spoiled the Ending
Lee Jevon
You Don't Have to Bother Watching HotD: GoT Scene Already Spoiled the Ending
With House of the Dragon tells the story of the Dance of the Dragons – a hugely significant event in the history of Westeros – it's no surprise that some events of the prequel show were referenced in Game of Thrones.
Teen Wolf Movie to Undo Allison's Heartbreaking Ending, Fans Disappointed
Thomas Pritchard
Teen Wolf Movie to Undo Allison's Heartbreaking Ending, Fans Disappointed
The iconic teen mystery series returns as a feature film, and fans are dying to know how one beloved character came back from the dead.
Book Scene That Would Absolutely Destroy Aemond If Included in HotD
Louise Everitt
Book Scene That Would Absolutely Destroy Aemond If Included in HotD
In the HBO show, Aemond is usually the one who gets to show his attitude and roast people. Just one scene from George R.R. Marton's Fire And Blood would change that.
The Last of Us Somehow Fixes House of the Dragon's Most Annoying Problem
Louise Everitt
The Last of Us Somehow Fixes House of the Dragon's Most Annoying Problem
HBO actually seems to take feedback into account.
Greens vs Blacks Frenzy "Ruined the Fun" in House of the Dragon, Fans Say
Louise Everitt
Greens vs Blacks Frenzy "Ruined the Fun" in House of the Dragon, Fans Say
The Game of Thrones prequel is all about the rivalry between the two teams, but should it be?
The Boys Got Nominated For Visual Effects Award For Its Most Disgusting Scene
Louise Everitt
The Boys Got Nominated For Visual Effects Award For Its Most Disgusting Scene
Yep, it is the very scene that you are probably thinking about right now.