Grey's Anatomy Is Just a Revolving Door of Love-Hate For Fans At This Point
Álvaro Villanueva
Grey's Anatomy Is Just a Revolving Door of Love-Hate For Fans At This Point
The most important thing about this door is that it always open to welcome you back.
Crush of the day
Pedro Pascal From: The Last of Us, Gladiator
How can we not love him?
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Best Way to Fix Chicago Fire's Most Annoying 'New' Storyline? Make It Worse
Dean Black
Best Way to Fix Chicago Fire's Most Annoying 'New' Storyline? Make It Worse
As eye-rolling as it is, there’s a way to save the notorious “someone’s out to get Firehouse 51 again” storyline. All they need to do is… Make it ten times worse now.
10 Near-Perfect TV Shows With (Almost) No Plot Holes
Aaren Gimenez
10 Near-Perfect TV Shows With (Almost) No Plot Holes
Making a show is already a lot more difficult than making a movie, because the longer running time requires more commitment from both directors and actors, and the fickle nature of TV ratings can easily derail the whole production midway through, but when you add narrative to the equation, the idea of making a show becomes even more daunting.
10 Best Anime Shows on Netflix to Stream in April 2024
Aaren Gimenez
10 Best Anime Shows on Netflix to Stream in April 2024
Netflix tries to hold its title of the streaming service with the most diverse content library, and it proves it by having not only movies and shows in its catalog but also lots of anime.
From Must-Watch to Pass: All 8 Harlan Coben Netflix Shows Ranked
Aaren Gimenez
From Must-Watch to Pass: All 8 Harlan Coben Netflix Shows Ranked
Directors tend to have favorite actors whom they bring in every second project; Netflix tends to have favorite writers whose works they use as inspiration for their TV shows. 
Binge-Bait: 15 K-dramas That Will Get You Hooked on the First Episode
Aaren Gimenez
Binge-Bait: 15 K-dramas That Will Get You Hooked on the First Episode
Here's to all of us binge-watchers, realizing we've watched the whole series in one go. Again.
12 Years Later, Chicago Fire Must Finally Stop Baby-Sitting Its Characters
Dean Black
12 Years Later, Chicago Fire Must Finally Stop Baby-Sitting Its Characters
Chicago Fire handicaps its characters by preventing them from making mistakes.
Community Has Left Netflix After 4 Years of Streaming, Where to Watch It Now?
Virginia Singh
Community Has Left Netflix After 4 Years of Streaming, Where to Watch It Now?
Don’t worry, we got you covered.
Johnny Galecki Rejected The Big Bang Theory 5 Times in a Row
Benjamin Patel
Johnny Galecki Rejected The Big Bang Theory 5 Times in a Row
We could’ve ended up with another Leonard — but luckily didn’t.
Scavengers Reign Season 2 Hopes Fade Due to HBO's Grim Streak With Animation
Álvaro Villanueva
Scavengers Reign Season 2 Hopes Fade Due to HBO's Grim Streak With Animation
It's not like we will ever stop hoping, though.