10 Best Netflix Movies Under 90 Minutes For a Quick Watch

Got no time but still want some good content? This one’s for you.
Let's face it, the optimal running time for a movie is 90 minutes (sorry, Zack Snyder). That's enough to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere, avoid empty talk, and still have time to do something else in the evening.
You will spend no more than an hour and a half with these 10 movies, but the impressions will stay with you for days.
1. Coffy
If you're wondering where you've seen Pam Grier before, it's probably in Quentin Tarantino 's Jackie Brown. Tarantino is a big fan of the actress and the movies in which she played cruel vigilantes.
The main character, Coffy, is a woman who wants revenge on the people who got her sister hooked on heroin, and she will stop at nothing.
2. The Guilty
Rescue worker Joe responds to a call from a kidnapped girl. When the call suddenly ends, Joe uses all of his resources to help the victim get out, but the kidnapping is anything but typical.
The Guilty is one of the best performances by Jake Gyllenhaal, who grabs the viewer's attention with his facial muscles alone. The story doesn't slow down for a minute and will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
3. Videodrome
The master of body horror, David Cronenberg, has directed an unbelievably shocking horror film that is impossible to watch without hitting the stop button from time to time.
Max Renn and Nicki Brand pick up a signal from a mysterious television channel full of violence and murder. It turns out that Videodrome distorts the viewer's consciousness, causes hallucinations and rots the flesh.
4. Three Identical Strangers
The triplets were separated at birth and given to different families, but years later they were reunited. Gradually, the brothers realize how different they are and begin to drift apart. It is at this moment that the mystery of their origins and the reason for their separation is revealed.
Director Tim Wardle spent five years making the film and his tenacity is admirable. While the movie leaves some questions unanswered, it remains an incredible piece of investigative journalism.
5. Fruitvale Station
Ryan Coogler's first feature film as director and his first collaboration with Michael B. Jordan. The story centers on the case of Oscar Grant, a young black man killed by police at the Fruitvale station in Oakland, California.
In 2009, Oscar's sad story ended with demonstrations, riots and hunger strikes and led to the resignation of police officers.
6. The Purge
The new totalitarian government introduces a new law to purify society: for one night a year, all crimes, even murder, are legal. Will Ethan Hawke and his wealthy family survive this year in Los Angeles?
Try to ignore the less than brilliant script and immerse yourself in the tense atmosphere of a low-budget thriller.
7. When Harry Met Sally
University of Chicago graduates Harry and Sally move to New York to start a new life. The characters constantly argue about sex and relationships, confront each other, fight for their love, and gradually become friends.
This is the golden standard of romantic comedies. Full of sentimentality, it is a true story about human relationships with an iconic sex scene and wonderful quotes that will stay with you for a long time.
8. Zombieland
A small group of survivors of the zombie apocalypse hide in an amusement park, hoping to wait out the threat in a colorful setting. However, the walkers have little regard for the wishes of the living.
Oddly enough, zombie horror has great comedic potential. The very appearance of the absurdly staggering dead is somewhat cartoonish. Ruben Fleischer turns the story of the end of mankind into a thrilling ride with famous actors.
9. Easy A
Modest and unpopular at school, Olive becomes the victim of unflattering gossip. After a period of mourning, the girl suddenly realizes that this whole situation is actually to her advantage, for now she has gone from invisible to school celebrity.
Don't judge this movie based on the title and synopsis. If your thought is that this movie is something like American Pie, then you are partially right. But the amazing humor and brilliant acting make Easy A a truly outstanding movie.
10. Project X
Project X is made in the style of a mockumentary – the madness of teenagers is filmed from a first person POV. It is an uncompromising comedy with vulgar humor and characters who behave in a silly way: they make bad jokes, use foul language and try in every possible way to prove themselves among their peers.
Project X was praised primarily for its boldness, unusual even for the teen comedy genre: the film's target audience was forced to laugh at their own worst traits.