10 Disaster Movies Like The Abyss to Watch on Netflix in March 2024

If the constant doom scrolling doesn't put you in a pretty apocalyptic mood, then we know how to give a dose of despair: disaster movies work pretty well in shaking you up and giving you a nice shot of adrenaline.
Netflix can offer quite a few of these this March, so don't miss them.
There's a different kind of tension in disaster movies than in horror ones. Everything feels more hectic, more epic, and for a reason: disasters usually happen on a large scale and affect a huge population of people, definitely larger than one maniac with an insatiable will to kill.
And the suspense that these disasters bring is a bit more realistic: it can happen on our planet. Some of them even already happened and these movies try to recreate the severity of these events for the silver screen. Maybe they're trying to warn us.
Then again, the release of 2012 didn't help to slow global warming aside from forcing some companies to switch from plastic straws to paper ones instead of cutting their carbon emissions and restructuring their waste management. But maybe the world did end in 2012 and we are all living in a simulation now?