10 Iconic Supernatural Quotes Every Fan Still Knows by Heart

10 Iconic Supernatural Quotes Every Fan Still Knows by Heart
Image credit: The CW

Some words stay with us forever.

If there's one phenomenon that best describes the power of fiction, it's the way lines from books, movies, and TV shows can easily find their way into everyday conversation and become a regular form of speech. Or, at the very least, become a go-to phrase for a particular fandom to use in their daily lives.

Supernatural 's characters may not have had too many quotes that ended up being widely used, but the way some of them were delivered still lives in fans' brains rent-free. Here are 10 iconic Supernatural quotes we still can't get over.

“Saving people, hunting things, the family business.”

If there's a better way to describe what the Winchester brothers have been up to in all 15 seasons of the show, we haven't found it yet. Perfectly summed up by Dean, this line should have become a real motto of Supernatural. But since it didn't, you can always use it as a helpful way to describe the show to those who haven't seen it.

“Hello, boys.”

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Though Crowley and Rowena would never admit it publicly, they had a lot more in common than they thought. For example, her cute yet very sassy greeting to Dean and Sam quickly became a catchphrase. Luckily, the writers just went with it, and now every Supernatural fan can only hear those two words in a certain tone of voice.

“People don’t just disappear, Dean. Other people just stop looking for them.”

The quality that many people loved most about Sam Winchester was the infinite kindness of his heart, and this one line shows it in the best possible way. The Winchester brothers were often the last resort for those they saved, and if it weren't for their dedication, the universe would definitely be a much bleaker place.

“Family don’t end with blood, boy!”

No viewer ever doubted Bobby's loyalty to Sam and Dean, and hearing that line brought many to tears. With their biological father so cold and absent, Bobby was the father figure the boys truly deserved and should have been more cherished. No wonder the entire fandom was completely devastated by his sudden death.

“Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole!”

There was no better way to establish the dynamic between the two brothers than that little line Dean said right in the pilot. His taste in music was one of his most iconic character traits, so a little hostility towards his little brother could be forgiven. And don't tell us you don't use this when someone comes with their rules to your car!

“I torture all my friends, it’s how I show love.”

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Crowley was never a very good guy, walking a fine line between light and darkness. However, there is no denying that he was one of the funniest characters on the show, and the way Mark Sheppard delivered every single one of his lines always hit all the right notes. This is just one of many great examples.

“No one in the history of torture's been tortured with torture like the torture you'll be tortured with.”

Speaking of Crowley (and his love of good torture), this is another great example of how Supernatural can take the darkest of subjects and turn it into a comedic gem. One can only wonder what his ‘trusted advisors’ are going through after such a threat.

“Nice girls, they’re pathetic. Here’s to evil skanks.”

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Crowley's background leaves little room for doubt as to where he got his cruelty and love of violence. His mother, Rowena, turned out to be a character with many flaws and a very accepting view of life. She may be the only person who didn't need encouragement to be unapologetically herself, because she already was.

“I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.”

Not all heroes wear capes, some prefer beige trench coats. Castiel rescuing Dean from Hell was a pivotal moment not only for the show in general, but for all Destiel shippers too. That line in particular has stuck with many viewers for years, and still sits in the back of their minds, sometimes resurfacing to cause even more pain.

“If you know evil’s out there, how can you not believe good’s out there too?”

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Everything in life is about balance. There would be no life without death, and we wouldn't know good if we didn't know evil. These words from Sam Winchester are a reminder that many of us could use in troubled times like these to get through the tough days. Even if it didn't necessarily work on Dean, we can't all be that skeptical.