10 Mind-Bending Secrets Hidden in Plain Sight in Your Favorite Horror Movies

If you think that the only purpose of a horror movie is to scare you then you're extremely wrong. Horror, more than any genre, thrives by including lots of symbolism and subcontexts in what seems quite straightforward at first.
We've got a list of some of the most interesting secrets from the top horror movies.
No other type of movie likes referencing other works more than horror. A simple nod to a pop culture classic becomes much more interesting if it's wrapped in a layer of gore and mind games, making you question things that you were absolutely sure about.
A simple detail that you didn't pay attention to at the beginning of the movie becomes crucial in its finale. Everything, from subtle easter eggs to masterfully placed clues, sets a certain mood for the whole plot, aids the storytelling, and allow the viewers to maybe get a hint of what's coming a bit sooner if they're attentive enough.
Trying to solve a puzzle that presents itself is also one of the aspects of horrors that we love: it makes the whole experience more engaging and even interactive in a way. Rewatching movies like these is extremely satisfying because of that.