10 Most Diabolical Things Sheldon Cooper Has Ever Said

How could anyone still be his friend?
One lesson The Big Bang Theory has taught all of its viewers is to be grateful for your friends, because not everyone has been so lucky. Leonard, Penny, Howard and Raj had to put up with Sheldon for 12 years, not to mention all the time before the show started.
Whether Sheldon was intentionally rude or not is left to the viewer's interpretation, since it's hard to believe he wouldn't have conformed to social norms if he had to. Either way, some of the things he said were absolutely insane, but made for great entertainment. Here are 10 of his quotes that could be considered both hilarious jokes and deadly insults.
“Not knowing is part of the fun...was that the motto of your community college?”
We all know that Sheldon cannot stand being in the dark about things, and that also goes for silly card tricks. After all these years being a friend of Sheldon’s Penny should’ve known better than to try and convince him to not ruin someone else’s fun. She practically asked for that one to happen!
“All right. Leonard is attempting to learn why sub-atomic particles move the way they do”
“Really? That’s it? Well, that doesn’t sound so complicated.”
“It’s not. That’s why Leonard does it.”
It would be unfair to assume that Sheldon's condescending tone is always directed at Penny. He truly believes that everyone around him is inferior in intelligence, and he doesn't mind pointing it out when the opportunity presents itself. Leonard must be the most patient man ever to continue living with him after all those insults.
“I have never said that you are not good at what you do. It's just that what you do is not worth doing.”
There is no task more difficult for Sheldon Cooper than paying someone a compliment, especially when he really doesn't think they deserve it. For years, his friends' specialties have been the object of his ridicule, and even when he sincerely tried to explain that he never thought Howard was bad at what he does... well, that happened.
“That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid and that makes me sad.”
Seeking comfort from Sheldon is never going to end well, as he truly lacks any empathy, especially when it comes to someone being stupid. Penny definitely wasn't expecting this reaction from her friend as she sat on the couch in tears, but it was the best Sheldon could offer. What's better than having someone mansplain sadness to you, right?
“I meant that all women are slaves to their biological urges, you know? Even you. You're a slave.”
Many viewers thought this was the moment when The Big Bang Theory took the joke too far. Not only did Sheldon come across as a raging sexist, but he also called a Black woman a slave without understanding the implications. In real life, that would have gotten him fired, and rightly so, but in the show he really suffered no consequences.
“Do you realize I may have to share a Nobel Prize with your booty call?”
In the finale of the show, Sheldon ended up sharing a Nobel Prize with his wife, Amy Farrah Fowler. But back in season 1, this all seemed like an impossible fantasy. Instead, they had to deal with Leonard's ex Leslie, who was just as intelligent as the rest of the group and could have actually been a great addition to Sheldon's research. Which he politely pointed out.
“Good morning, your honor. Doctor Sheldon Cooper appearing pro se. That means I am representing myself.”
“I know what it means. I went to law school.”
“And yet you wound up in traffic court.”
No one expected Sheldon representing himself in traffic court to go well. However, there was something very satisfying about seeing his condescending self finally get the punishment he deserved for treating people so poorly. It was no surprise that he ended up in jail with that attitude directed directly at the judge.
“If you don't mind, I'd like to stop listening to you and start talking.”
Ah, Sheldon, ever the attentive boyfriend! Even though he tried his best to be the image of a perfect boyfriend to Amy, he still failed to show her any real interest. Given that he's a walking red flag, she should have known what she was getting into, but she decided to just go along with it.
“Interesting. You're afraid of insects and women. Ladybugs must render you catatonic”
Making fun of his friends' fears isn't even the worst crime Sheldon has committed, but it still paints a perfect picture of his character. Although, let's face it, this might be a perfect roast for Raj, it's very insensitive to call him out like this. Especially since Sheldon has some weird phobias of his own.
“It must be humbling to suck at so many different levels.”
This may be the least outrageous way to insult someone, but it perfectly sums up what Sheldon really thinks of his best friend Leonard. And considering that this particular line was prompted by a simple game of 3D chess, it's a wonder the man had anyone to play with at all, given his lack of sportsmanship!