10 Most Heartbreaking TV Deaths Ever, Ranked by Fans

When your favorite TV character dies, there’s nothing you can do but hold back your tears — but with these 10 devastating deaths, it was almost impossible for fans.
Oh, just one more thing before we begin: try to guess which popular TV show dominates almost half of this fan-ranked list, and let us know whether you nailed it!
10. Mark Greene from ER
For many seasons, Dr. Greene was the primary character of ER, and watching him suffer from brain cancer for months was a painful experience for the show’s fans. Mark Greene’s death marked the end of ER’s golden era which lasted for eight seasons, as the series changed when his successor took over the reign.
9. Robb Stark from Game of Thrones
In the War of the Five Kings, Robb Stark — Ned’s eldest son and the Young Wolf of the North — was the favorite contestant of many fans. The self-proclaimed King in the North made many mistakes that led to his downfall, but his gruesome demise alongside his family during the Red Wedding was still gut-wrenching to watch.
8. Hodor from Game of Thrones
For many seasons, Hodor was almost a comic relief of a character: a kind but slow giant who only knew one word, he cared for the youngest Stark kids as they ventured beyond the Wall. The scene of Hodor’s death was a major plot twist that devastated fans with the sudden revelation of why the giant was so different.
7. Hershel Greene from The Walking Dead
For fans and characters of The Walking Dead alike, Hershel Greene — the second Dr. Greene on our list — served as a symbol of hope and light. Compassionate and wise, Herschel gave his all to help the younger survivors and became a fan favorite. His brutal execution was a tough blow as Hershel never deserved such a fate.
6. Lady from Game of Thrones
Of the countless tragic deaths in Game of Thrones, it’s Sansa Stark’s direwolf who made it to this list. The first direwolf to go, Lady was executed for protecting Sansa after Joffrey’s false accusations, and her demise reminded the Starks and the viewers about the true cruelty of the world…and the Lannisters’ treachery.
5. Henry Blake from MASH
MASH never tried to paint the war in a bright light, but some tragedies hit harder than others. Lt. Colonel Henry Blake, for all his shenanigans, was a compassionate and caring leader for his troops, so it was only predictable that he would be killed off to highlight the brutality of the war; still, the plain crush was sudden and unexpected.
4. Bobby Singer from Supernatural
While the Winchester brothers were the cornerstone and highlight of Supernatural, it has always been obvious where their strong characters came from. Bobby Singer served as Dean and Sam’s father figure, guiding the duo and always being there for them. As his life was suddenly stripped away, fans felt like they lost a father, too.
3. Opie Winston from Sons of Anarchy
Some qualities inspire respect no matter which way they’re aimed, and Opie Winston’s endless loyalty and care for his brother are on this list. Opie’s always been too kind and devoted to make it in the brutal reality of his world, and that made his ultimate sacrifice all the more heartbreaking for the Sons of Anarchy fans.
2. Glenn from The Walking Dead
When he first appeared in The Walking Dead, Glenn seemed like a guy too good to survive. Against all odds, this positive and loyal man made it through numerous seasons, being the core of the group and its moral compass. Fans always loved Glenn, so his brutal death from Negan’s baseball bat was harrowing to watch.
1. Ned Stark from Game of Thrones
Lord Eddard Stark seemingly was Season 1’s main character. This honorable man always sought justice, and it sealed his demise: Ned was executed under fabricated charges. His death shocked the viewers and had them learn what kind of a show Game of Thrones was the hard and devastating way — with Ned’s beheading.
Source: Ranker