10 Things Virgin River Fans Are Dying To See In Season 6

10 Things Virgin River Fans Are Dying To See In Season 6
Image credit: Netflix

Virgin River needs to shake things up.

While Virgin River may not be the most popular of Netflix 's recent productions, the show continues to go strong and is already approaching its sixth season. Although there is a chance that this season will be the last for the drama, the production team behind it is not ready to slow down.

If anything, the upcoming season promises to be even more packed with events than all the previous ones combined. Considering all the loose ends left by the season 5 finale, it will be important to tie them all up.

From the intrigue of Mel's paternity to all the challenges Charmaine will face as a new mother, here are 10 theories from loyal viewers about what lies ahead for the citizens of Virgin River.

Unfortunately, there's not much we know for sure about Virgin River season 6 right now, so fan theories are the only thing keeping our minds busy. According to showrunner Patrick Sean Smith, filming will probably start in 2024, but that's about as far as predictions go.

What Smith did tease, however, is the time jump, which may finally fix the timeline of the series, at least to some extent. All of the predictions above would hold true whether the jump takes us a month or half a year further into the timeline.

If you are interested in tuning in to Virgin River season 6, keep an eye out for more news and behind-the-scenes updates to be the first to know the release date. Until then, you can refresh your memory of the previous 5 seasons by streaming them on Netflix.

Source: Reddit