10 Underrated Miniseries of the Past 5 Years That Are Secretly Masterpieces

If you want some serialized fun but don't want to commit to a full-length show, we've got you covered.
The industry apparently realized that people tend to suffer from shortened attention spans and need bite-sized entertainment, so there are quite a few mini-series that have been released in the past 5 years. These 10, however, went a bit under the radar.
It's quite uncommon in the modern days for the series to be loved by critics yet end up being almost completely ignored by the viewers. Some of these had interesting and unique plots, others executed tried and true themes in a great way, but all of them are able to glue you to the screen for one night because most of them are that short.
Maybe you'll get to sleep later, so we recommend starting them on a Saturday evening, just to be sure. The beauty of mini-series lies in how condensed the plot is, how striking the jokes are, how swiftly the development goes — and how satisfying it is to get a proper conclusion in only a few hours.
Not every full-length movie has a cohesive story, but these miniseries do — and resolve it in a handful of episodes.
Here are all the miniseries mentioned here: Smiley (2022), Soulmates (2020), Angelyne (2022), Years and Years (2019), A Friend of the Family (2022), A Very British Scandal (2021), Landscapers (2021), Clark (2022), The Little Drummer Girl (2018), Irma Vep (2022).