5 Actors Who Almost Became Perfect Jokers

5 Actors Who Almost Became Perfect Jokers
Image credit: Columbia Pictures

The world did not see some Joker incarnations that had every chance of becoming cult ones.

Each new incarnation of the Joker on the big screen is always a big draw for fans – over the years, he has become a truly iconic villain and an important part of popular culture. But for any actor who chooses to take on the role, portraying one of Gotham's top criminals can be a daunting challenge.

Adrien Brody

5 Actors Who Almost Became Perfect Jokers - image 1Adrien Brody has come close to playing the Joker more than once. The actor was on the list of applicants along with Heath Ledger during the selection of actors for The Dark Knight. Moreover, in 2017, the actor expressed his desire to play the role in Zack Snyder's Justice League. The Joker never made an appearance in The League, but it's likely that Joaquin Phoenix isn't the last incarnation of the famous villain, and Brody could try his luck again.

Willem Dafoe

Without a doubt, Willem Dafoe's unusual face and his ability to express the full range of emotions have become his trademark. The actor is especially good at playing villains, which he has proven time and again. Another role in Dafoe's filmography could be Tim Burton's Batman.

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The actor himself said that the screenwriter told him that he would be ideal for the role of the Joker, but the actor never received an official offer.

David Bowie

In 1985, Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman planned his own Dark Knight story starring Bill Murray, David Bowie as the Joker and Eddie Murphy as Robin. It is known that Reitman is not the only one who has a good idea of Bowie with clown make-up on his face. Neil Gaiman, a screenwriter and comic book author, once said that he sees the famous musician as the Joker.

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Robin Williams

More than once Robin Williams has had the opportunity to play one of Gotham's villains. The '90s comedy star was considered for a role in 1989's Batman, which eventually went to Jack Nicholson. He also auditioned for the role of the Riddler in 1995, but Jim Carrey ended up getting the role.

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Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling could have played the Joker in 2016's Suicide Squad, but he turned down the offer because he wasn't ready to make a multi-year commitment to one franchise. Apparently, Jared Leto, on the other hand, was inspired by such a prospect, and after getting the role, he tried to completely merge with his character, which, however, did not help him win the love of the fans.

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