5 Actors Who'd Be Perfect as Link in The Legend of Zelda Movie (Not Tom Holland!)

After the announcement of The Legend of Zelda the Movie, fans immediately cast Tom Holland as Link. While it’s a solid choice, here are five phenomenal alternatives.
5. Joel Courtney from Kissing Booth
While Link became more serious and dramatic as he “grew up,” his younger versions were more on the lighthearted side. Joel Courtney, best known for his performance as Lee Flynn in The Kissing Booth would be the perfect choice for that kind of iteration, bringing more positive and wholesome vibes while also capable of occasional drama.
4. Julian Crouser from Deadly Promises
If we’re looking for the most traditional-looking Link who is in his early twenties, Julian Crouser, the Dillon actor from Deadly Promises, is exactly the man we need. The most classic Link-looking guy out there, Crouser has experience with various genres and has already proven his ability to adapt to new settings, so he would be a solid choice for The Legend of Zelda.
3. Michael Provost from The Holdovers
One thing about Link is that he sometimes appears as a comical and whimsical character more than anything else — and if the new movie aims for that angle, the creators should look no further than Michael Provost, best known for his performance as Jason Smith in The Holdovers. Provost could embrace the mischievous Link, no problem.
2. Brigette Lundy-Paine from Atypical
Seeing how in the latest (and most popular) The Legend of Zelda games, Link appears more ambiguous in terms of gender, the movie could go for that version, too. In this case, Brigette Lundy-Paine, the Casey star from Atypical, would be perfect: the gender non-binary actor has both the talent and the looks to play Link in the new movie based on Nintendo’s hit series.
1. Zackary Arthur from Chucky
One more for the young and sarcastic Link we’ve seen in several versions, the Jake Wheeler actor from Chucky, Zackary Arthur, seems like a great choice for this direction. Despite his young age, Arthur already has an outstanding track record and is experienced in dramatic roles which would allow for more action-packed and serious movies.