5 Great B-Movies Actually Worth Your Time, According to Tarantino

Low-budget commercial films can also be a nice watch provided you've chosen the right ones.
Here's a rec for you from no other than Quentin Tarantino, who has shared a list of his favorite B-movies which could brighten up your gloomy December weekend.
1. The Trip
2. The Last House on the Left
3. Coffy
4. They Call Her One Eye
5. Five Fingers of Death
You would be surprised to learn that No. 1 on the list, The Trip, was written by Jack Nicholson back in the days when people were mad about all things psychedelic.
The film follows the misadventures of a depressed director who takes a large dose of LSD to cure the pain his divorce causes. Intoxicated he set off on a journey around Sunset Boulevard and experiences various hallucinations.
The movie was directed by Roger Corman, who mostly specialized in B-grade films and it was reported back in 2013 that Tarantino was tapped to play Corman in a biopic. This has however never come to fruition.
Well, some cinephiles won't agree with Tarantino though – they say that they've watched several movies by Corman and that they can't say any of them is a great movie although the man has his own style.
The Last House on the Left which comes second on Tarantino's list is a slasher directed by Wes Craven and tells the story of a teenage girl kidnapped by killers and his family who take revenge on them. According to the Inglourious Basterds filmmaker, the movie shocked him as a kid – just like Bambi, which is known "for traumatizing children."
Horror fans are split on whether or not this movie is worth watching. A lot of them believe that Texas Chain Saw Massacre is still a better option.
Then comes Coffy, a blaxploitation film featuring Pam Grier with a focus on revenge. Coffy is on a crusade against drug dealers who made her sister an addict. For Tarantino the movie is among the best blaxploitation flicks and he even cast Pam Grier for his 1997 Jackie Brown movie.
Speaking of Coffy, the filmmaker said that "it has a violent power over an audience. People get swept up in it where they're screaming for blood by the end of the movie."
And fans say that blaxploitation films are great because they have had an enormous and complicated influence on American cinema, inspiring many filmmakers to this day.
Swedish-made They Call Her One Eye is also among Tarantino's top B-films which is all about revenge apparently. This time it is a mute girl, forced into prostitution, who gets her revenge on bad guys.
The director paid tribute to They Call Her One Eye in Kill Bill when he introduced the one-eyed character of Elle Driver played by Daryl Hannah. According to Tarantino, They Call Her One Eye is "the roughest revenge movie ever." No wonder fans were shocked by the movie's hardcore scenes – one of them is said to have featured a real cadaver of a female whose eyeball was pierced.
Five Fingers of Death comes fifth in his list and also has allusions in Tarantino's Kill Bill. Remember the Five-Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique, which a series of powerful jabs from the fingertips into five different points on your foe's body? The victim makes five steps and their heart explodes. Back in 2012 the filmmaker dubbed it "one of the greatest kung fu movies ever."