5 Grey's Anatomy Couples That Should Never Have Happened

It would be much better to just erase them from our memory.
When the show has as many characters and goes on for as long as Grey’s Anatomy does, chances are writers will try to mix things up and create some unnecessary romances. Whether that is the lack of chemistry between the actors or the ridiculous storylines that don’t make any sense, not every combination turns out as good as others.
Here are 5 Grey’s Anatomy couples that would be much better as far away from each other as possible.
Izzie and George
Not only did they have to ruin the beautiful friendship those two had before, but they also didn’t seem to have any chemistry whatsoever. Besides, Izzie has had enough of soapy love drama with Alex and Denny, so there was absolutely no need to throw George in the mix and make her character seem even more indecisive.
Alex and Rebecca
Remember when that happened? Don’t worry, almost no one else remembers that either. The chemistry was non-existent, and the storyline was boring. It was clear the relationship existed just to not have Alex Karev lonely for too long and give the actor the opportunity to shine a more heartfelt side of his acting.
Jackson and Maggie
It was weird to see the relationship between step-siblings progress into something much less friendly and familiar and much more passionate. Considering the fact that Maggie met her half-sister Meredith at the same age and considers her family, it would be way more logical and less icky to have the same approach to Jackson.
Callie and George
You have to be either very short-sighted or very in love to marry someone you’ve been dating only for a couple of months. In this case, Callie was both. She did not deserve the poor treatment she received from George, and their marriage ended up being a trainwreck that should’ve never happened.
Nico and Schmitt
Their relationship was very good in theory but sucked in practice with Nico treating his boyfriend like they weren’t dating at all. Although they were supposed to date each other for 3 years according to the show, many fans tend to forget that even happened. That’s because Nico did everything for it to not look like it ever did.