5 Hidden Messages You Never Noticed in Friends' Best Episodes

5 Hidden Messages You Never Noticed in Friends' Best Episodes
Image credit: NBC

Across the ten seasons of the show, Friends’ cast and crew often left hidden messages to viewers that can easily go unnoticed even on your 100th rewatch!

5. S4E22: Bachelor Party Decorations

In The Worst Best Man Ever, if you pay attention to the way Joey and Chandler decorated their apartment for Ross’s bachelor party, you’ll notice that the banners are adorned with…condoms! We don’t know whether it was the cast’s idea of pranking the NBC execs or Joey’s brilliant vision of what a bachelor’s party should lead to, however.

4. S8E17: Ross’s T-Shirt

In The One With The Tea Leaves, the T-shirt Ross wears in Central Perk has more than just a funny picture on it. The two hands with their index fingers locked are no coincidence because this gesture means “friends” in sign language — and it’s a beautiful little Easter egg for the show’s deaf fans. Or for all fans, for that matter, since we found it, too.

3. S0E0: The Reserved Sign

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This one’s rather obvious — and yet many fans have never noticed it. In the majority of the scenes set in Central Perk, the gang’s table has a Reserved sign on it. While it might serve as an in-world reason why this table is always occupied by them, it was actually a running gag in the filming crew who found it funny that no one but the gang ever sat at that table.

2. S5E23: Joey’s PIN Number

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The One In Vegas - Part 1 adds more hidden depth to Joey’s ignorance by making his PIN correlate with his name: 5639 stands for J.O.E.Y. The funniest part is that Joey actually called Phoebe from Vegas and asked her to retrieve the PIN that he scratched into their closest ATM because he forgot it again — basically, he forgot his own name.

1. S8E3: The FDNY Tribute

After the 9/11 attack that horrified the entire world, Friends added a subtle tribute to the New York firefighters who risked and even sacrificed their lives to save people. You can see FDNY scribbled on the whiteboard in Joey and Chandler's apartment in the next episode, and a few episodes later, you can notice Joey proudly wearing an FDNY T-shirt.

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