5 Old Sitcoms That Aged Surprisingly Well

Turns out, comedy didn’t ever have to be offensive.
If there's one thing people love to say about offensive jokes, it's that comedy should be allowed to use any subject. While this is mostly true, not many shows and media outlets of the past knew how to handle certain topics with grace.
And now we see that the majority of shows from the past are considered offensive or problematic because of some level of bigotry.
However, there are a few that can restore your hope in humanity and show that no matter what generation, it's possible to be respectful and funny at the same time. Here are five sitcoms that have aged like fine wine.
Malcolm In The Middle
Although the show deals with some pretty heavy topics, it does a great job of covering them in a realistic way. The show still feels relatable to all lower middle-class people, but it doesn't necessarily make fun of their situation. Instead, it makes them laugh along with everyone else.
There is a reason why Frasier was so critically acclaimed and won so many awards: it was a really good show that took viewers to a really wonderful time. Like any show, it had some unlikable characters that you didn't want to focus on too much, but instead of being offensive, they balanced out the cast perfectly.
Yes, there were some questionable moments in Scrubs. Doctor Cox constantly calling JD by a girl's name would be one of them. But aside from that little gaffe, the show has aged surprisingly well, not only for a sitcom but for a show about medical professionals. Grey's Anatomy still has a lot to learn.
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Although it aired in the 60s, this show still holds a special place in the hearts of many fans, and it still holds up much better than many shows from the 80s or 90s. The portrayal of Sally was so refreshingly different from what other sitcoms were doing with their female leads at the time that she still remains one of the most iconic characters in the entire genre.
The Golden Girls
This is an example of a show that holds up so incredibly well because it constantly pokes fun at itself. The unusual premise and brilliant characters are what make The Golden Girls absolutely timeless, no matter how many years ago the show actually aired.