5 The Big Bang Theory Characters Who Deserved Better

Not everyone was equally as loved by the writers, it turns out.
Although many people admit to loving The Big Bang Theory with all their hearts, they also admit to the mistakes the show has made.
Not only in the humor department, where some pretty offensive things were slipped in between the lines and aired on television, but also in character development.
You might think that 12 years is more than enough time to explore all the characters, but in fact, some of them have just been ruined by all that time.
Here are 5 of The Big Bang Theory's characters that were ruined by the writers and never fixed.
Raj Koothrappali
To this day, many fans of the show feel that Raj was treated very unfairly for not ending up with a woman.
Sure, he had made a lot of progress since the beginning when he could not talk to any woman, but it would be much better to end his story with some hope for romantic happiness.
Mrs. Wolowitz
Of course, no one in the writers' room could have been prepared for the actress playing Howard's mother to die, but that put them in an even more compromised position with this character.
The one who had been treated like a punching bag throughout the series suddenly became very loved and missed, and that just didn't sit right with the audience.
Sheldon Cooper
This one may come as a surprise, as he was one of the main characters and always got some kind of special treatment not only in the universe, but outside of it as well.
However, many feel that Sheldon's character has been butchered over the years by being overly infantilized, turning the smartest person in the room into nothing more than a man-child.
Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz
A lot of people loved her when she first appeared, but grew to hate her over the years. Instead of adding value to Bernie's character, she was mocked with her high-pitched voice and caricatured mannerisms.
Not only did she deserve better as a character, but Howard deserved better as her husband.
Stuart Bloom
While everyone was moving on with their relationships and careers, Stuart's character slowly digressed from being a fairly successful comic book store owner to being a homeless and hopeless blob of a human being.
He lost all of his character and ended up being a complete loser for no reason other than the laziness of the writers.